Principal's Message
Mr Forrest
Principal's Message
Mr Forrest
Well after two years of no recorded cases the dreaded COVID 19 decided to pay Wedderburn College a visit for the first time last week. Case numbers seem to have stalled as we have had four days out of the last six days with no recorded cases. Hopefully this trend continues.
Confirmed positive case
Where a student is identified as a positive case, parents/carers must:
• inform the school by calling Ph (03) 5494 3011.
• follow the latest advice at
• Students who report a positive result must isolate for 7 days and not attend school during that period.
Household contact of a positive case
A household contact is defined as having spent more than four hours with someone who has COVID-19 inside a house, accommodation, or care facility. Where a student or staff member is a household contact of a positive case, parents/carers should inform the school and isolate for a period of 7 days.
Verification of vaccination status is required for visitors to our School.
However, in the short-term it is preferable that parents/carers refrain from entering the school unless a prior appointment has been arranged.
We will continue to roll out RAT kits at a greater rate at the moment as we have gone from limited numbers to a more regular supply. Free Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) kits have been distributed directly to all students again yesterday & today.
The current guidelines recommend:
At the most recent North Central Principals meeting and in conjunction with DET advice we have decided to re-enforce the following rules.
We are aiming to have an abundance of prizes for our Eggnormous Easter Fete Mega Raffle. If you are able to donate eggs or chocolate, the Parents Association will make up prize bundles so everyone has a great chance to win. The tickets will be sent home a few weeks before the Fete. Eggs and chocolate donations can be left at the school front office from next week onwards. Last year this topped off the many highlights of the day. As a special incentive Mr Forrest will run a school day activity for the class who is able to donate the most prizes for the raffle. When dropping off your donation let the Front Office know what class you are from.
We are aiming to once again host a School Easter Fete on Friday 8th of April, the last day of Term1. With a reduction in COVID-19 restrictions we are hoping to be able to invite all parents and community members on site. The fete will begin at 10.30 am and conclude at 2 pm. There will be a VCAL catered BBQ followed by activities from each year level. Forms for the BBQ are being sent home shortly. Each year level is currently organising an activity for the day and once confirmed will be advertised. It will be a casual clothes day.
It's that time of year when we have our annual School Council elections. If you are interested in finding out more please contact the School Principal on 03 5494 3011.
As you may be aware we are going to be able to offer Before and After School Care this year. We recently had our facility approved for use, we now have our staff in place.
A short survey for Child Care will be distributed shortly. Over the next two weeks parents will receive an opportunity to apply for our new service and the structure or how it will be organised, including fees etc. The final 'red tape' sign off, and final approval is unfortunately delaying the opening at the moment.
Thank you for the suggestions from a number of people. We recently had a meeting with our Regional Coordinator regarding our Grant. We are currently thinking we will attempt to start Basketball for students after school in Terms 1 & 4. The new gymnasium equipment will be set up over the next few months and will be ready to roll for students by the end of Term 2. We will also explore options for a Swimming Club in Term 4. We feel very lucky to have received this special Active Schools Grant.