GEKA Brady Road 

Building our Sense of Community 

Yan Li, Early Childhood Teacher and the GEKA Brady Rd Educational team 


Now more than ever, it is vital for children to attend communal settings, e.g.- kindergarten, long day care and family day care for their wellbeing and the wellbeing of the whole family.


Being in one of these settings will help children build resilience, foster friendships, develop language and listening skills, turn taking, sharing. As educators we continually offer guidance and support to not only the child but the family.


Covid-19 has been a very trying time for all. With separations, lockdowns, home schooling and being isolated within family environment.


At GEKA Brady Road Kindergarten, we have observed that many children are choosing to spend more of their kindergarten day outdoors regardless of the indoor/outdoor flexible program that we offer. We believe this largely due to not being able to get out to socialise, and be physically active at playgrounds on their bikes, with friends, and family and developing their gross motor skills.


As educators, we will offer children opportunities and experiences to encompass their belonging, being and becoming in the kindergarten community. Some of the experiences we facilitate to help child regulate their emotions are yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and discussions on how to express their feelings. 


All of our services have outdoor tables and chairs, so we can promote learning in the outdoors wherever possible. 


Thank you to Moss from the Wood Pecker Project, for your beautiful hand made tables, chairs and benches, for GEKA.  They are perfect!