GEKA McKinnon

Capable Children!

Lorraine Peters, Early Childhood Teacher 


The impact of COVID-19 has been varied and thought provoking within the kindergarten environment.


Some families have chosen to keep their children home during the pandemic and many families have had little choice, having to juggle work, older children  home schooling, and kindergarten children at home.


Last year the attendance in groups, was on average, approximately half capacity (due to restrictions) during lockdown.  The children who attended all year thrived in all areas of the program due to having smaller numbers in the group. New friendships were made, quieter children found their voice.   Children’s confidence was the most noticeable area of development.


After lockdown and with all children returning to the program, the  focus of the program was on the children’s social and  emotional well being, allowing all the children to settle back, reconnect and adjust into their kindergarten surroundings and adapting to socializing with more children.   Giving the children time to reconnect with their friends, the transition was without incident.  This illustrates that children generally, are quite resilient - something as adults, we don't tend to give them enough credit for!


This year the impact of COVID-19 is still evident when talking to parents.  Many indicated that their children have not socialized for up to two years, only interacting with family and close friends. Several parents were apprehensive as to how their children would adapt .  


The children accept that masks are worn by adults, their temperatures are to be taken and that  washing hands regularly is a part of life.  

These young children have lived with this virus for most of their lives, therefore it seems they accept the limitations and restrictions as part of their every day lives, and continue to 'get on with life'.  


Retirement and Thanks!

A special note of thanks to teacher, Lorraine Peters, who has decided to retire as a teacher, after many years of working with children and families. 


 Lorraine’s teaching career began at GEKA McKinnon Kindergarten in 1999, where she worked for five years before moving to GEKA Caulfield South Kindergarten for seventeen years. While her return to GEKA McKinnon this year has been brief, she has been delighted to be back at the kindergarten where her career started.  Lorraine has written a message that she would like us to share with everyone:

“It has been an absolute pleasure and joy to have worked with so many children and families over the years.  I have never really thought of teaching as work, as it was always such an inspiring and fulfilling profession. 

Thank you to all the staff at GEKA, especially Melissa MacMaster, and to my lovely colleagues at GEKA Caulfield South and GEKA McKinnon, whom I will consider friends forever.

Thank you sincerely for your support over the years."  Lorraine Peters”


Over her eleven years with GEKA, Lorraine has been a passionate, gentle and warm-hearted teacher, and her contributions to our community will never be forgotten.  


We thank her for her many years of dedicated service and send our congratulations to her on the conclusion of a wonderful and impactful career working with children and families. We will miss you, Lorraine.