Kings Park Campus Principal Message

Campus Principal Report
Iron Form Day
2022 Iron Form Day A celebration of the successful transition and opportunity to further connect with our College our Year 7s participated in Iron Form Day. Home Groups competed in a performance with art work section and other competitions.
Congratulations to 7L1 - all the students had a wonderful day. It was great to see all the enthusiasm and teamwork. Thank you everybody for all your efforts, particularly Tara for her coordination. Thank you to Mary Scott for preparing a BBQ lunch for all Year 7's to share.
Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival Thanks to all the organisers and teachers involved in the many roles on the day. It was really great to see all the students participating. Congratulations to the winners - D & T teams!
Resilient Youth Survey
Our students have been completing this survey over the past couple of weeks, providing important data that will give insight into our students and inform future interventions for our cohorts.
Discovery Evening Thursday March 24
Discovery Evening for our prospective families was a huge success. Our Key Learning Areas were on display in rooms throughout the campus and families gathered for a presentation from our college leaders, staff and students. Thank you to Tara, our transition leader, and her team, and a special thank you to all our exemplar students who attended and presented by far the ‘best side’ of our College.
Interim Reports and Family, Student and Teacher Interviews
Staff are finalising their interim reports and Term 1 assessment tasks with their classes. Family Student and Teacher Interviews were held Thursday 7 and Friday 8 April.
Building Works
Campus building and grounds works continue to improve access for our vision impaired student. We have a new disabled space partially completed in the parent car park and line markings around the campus. The basketball and soccer goals have had impact protection attached and the stairs around the campus are being reinstated. In the next stage all poles will be marked and the outdoor entertainment space renovated.
Our next investment will see the L Team staff room improved. We have scheduled carpet tiles to be installed over the school holidays. The classrooms in L Team will be furnished with new tables and chairs.
Our contractors are doing a great job with the canteen. Student feedback is positive. The Gala has come and gone! Thursday March 31 and Friday April 1. Thank you to all the teachers involved in supporting the students! COVID Update
We are still having a small number of positive cases and close contacts reported. We have delivered packs of 5 RAT kits to every student fortnightly at our campus. This seems to be having an impact and keeping the number of cases lower than expected.
Victorian High-Ability Program
Five year 8 students across the College completed the challenge and enrichment program for Maths or English in Term 1. We do not have any students identified by the Department for Term 2 with Year 7s but will be ready for Term 3 when the lists are released.
Tutoring Program
2022 has seen the return of the Tutor Learning Initiative, which is designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Kings Park and Sydenham students from year 7 to 10 are selected by their English and Mathematics classroom teachers in conjunction with one of 15 tutors to receive tutoring within their normal class time each week, supporting them on specific goals. This year we have also been able to employ a Japanese tutor to also support these classes. Year 11 and12 students at Delahey opt for tutoring during study periods with one of 4 part-time tutors employed at Delahey.
A total of 659 students are currently receiving tutoring with over 75% setting goals related to consolidating foundation skills, stepping through key concepts, breaking down/ scaffolding tasks, building confidence, and the ability to set goals, organise themselves and assess their own progress. These students will also have their Approaches to Tutoring reported to families in the Term 1 Interim Reports.
NAPLAN Practice Tests
For the Coordinated Practice Test on Thursday March 24 there were 75% of Victorian schools participating. Nationally, 5,152 schools participated with 503,895 students logging in during the event. Copperfield participated successfully testing the system and encountering no issues. All of our Year 7 and 9 students have now become familiar with the tools and NAPLAN conditions, this will be of benefit when we enter the test period in May.
Mr Lance Petherick and Mr Mark Nugent Campus Principals, Kings Park