Please see attached our whole school Volunteer and Visitors Policies.
Both of these policies have been updated to reflect the latest DET COVID requirements:
- Any parent, carer or adult visitor who enters the school building (e.g to access the Second Hand Uniform, to attend a meeting with a staff member) must be able to show evidence of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine or have a valid medical exception.
- Third dose vaccination requirements apply to any visitor or volunteer performing work on school sites. This, in particular, is relevant to any parent volunteering in close proximity to students or staff, including parent helpers and Parent Association members.
- QR Code check-ins are no longer required.
- Masks must still be worn inside school buildings.
Our procedures for visitors and volunteers, in line with our Child Safe Policy, remain the same:
- Visitors and volunteers must report to the Administration Office on arrival to follow sign in procedures.
- All communication with class teachers / children between 9 and 3:30 should go through the Admin Office.
- Visitors do not need to sign in for whole school events such as assembly, parent/teachers interviews or PA events.
- Volunteers engaged in child-related work (this includes parent helpers and PA members) must have a valid Working With Children Check. Please provide a copy to the Admin Office.