Alumni News

Three MFG alumnae. Three different stories.
Thank you, Ruth Coleman (class of 2000), Karla Beaumont (class of 2020) and Annabelle Kingston Brown (class of 2021) for returning to MFG to participate in a Q&A with our Year 12 students.
The stories shared by our panelists was appreciated by so many of our students. I was taken aback and so proud of the Year 12s who took it upon themselves to chat and/or personally thank our alumni after the session. One student even mentioned how much the Q&A alleviated the worry she was feeling regarding the year ahead.
Ruth who is a registered nurse, both in an emergency department in Melbourne and for the Royal Flying Doctor Service, spoke of always having ‘good intentions’ when it came to getting study done. A series of degrees later and Ruth has managed to iron out a few creases, finding what works best for her.
Ruth studied at both University and TAFE, and although she never thought she would be a ‘TAFE person’, she accredited her TAFE course to leading her to finding her passion and interest area: healthcare. After completing a Bachelor of Arts straight out of Year 12, Ruth was rather unsure of what she should do next. Having volunteered for St John Ambulance, Ruth thought a career in healthcare may be an option. This led Ruth to completing Certificate 4 in Health (the qualification to become an enrolled nurse), she then worked in age-care, before enrolling in a Bachelor of Nursing. The bonus was, with the recognition of prior learning, Ruth was able to go straight into second year Nursing. She was also able to keep working in the field, gaining valuable experience, and earning money, whilst completing her degree.
Annabelle commenced Year 12 with a game plan that she had hatched back in Year 10, and nothing was going to get in her way.
Fresh out of Year 12, Annabelle had so many tips and tricks to pass onto current year 12s; although she did highlight, that her approach was not for everybody. Annabelle brought in her study notes (which included a contents page!!) and shared with students her tried and tested formula for preparing for SACS and exams.
This Year, Annabelle will be commencing a double degree in Law and International Studies at Deakin University. Annabelle kept the audience entertained as she mentioned (a couple of times!) how Ella Woods from the film, ‘Clueless’ is the inspiration behind her studying law.
Karla Beaumont, another recent graduate, radiated a sense of calm whilst answering the panel questions; a trait that will put her in good stead in her chosen career path.
In year 12, Karla was torn between two completely different pathways and found that chatting with people who knew her well, helped her come to the ‘right’ decision. This decision was to pursue a Law degree (she is now in her second year at Deakin University).
Karla spoke about how it took her a little while to settle into Year 12 and ultimately give her studies everything she had. She realized (the hard way) that if she wanted to go well, she needed to put in a lot more than she had been. Her wakeup call? A SAC result she was less than happy with. This result fueled Karla to work harder so that she was content with her future results. Karla shared with students her mother’s advice which was to not worry about those around her but instead be focused on your own efforts knowing that you have done your best. Something that is often a little easier said than done.
Unfortunately, Donna Camilleri (class of 2018) and Mackenzie Warden (class of 2018) couldn’t make it on the day, however, we hope to still have them come back to share their experiences with our VCAL students.
Tanja Dunat