From the Principal
Term 1, Week 6, Kevin Kennedy
Dear Families,
Fundraiser BBQ
West Beach Primary School is hosting a polling station for the state election on Saturday 19th March. The fundraising committee is looking for volunteers to work on the BBQ.
If you have any free time on the 19th March, please email the school with a time you are available, and we will add you to the roster.
Funds raised will go towards improving our nature play area.
COVID19 Update
We have been fortunate by comparison to other schools that COVID19 hasn't had a great impact on the day to day running of the school.
A junior primary class was reduced to 10 students, and we were a little concerned that we were at the beginning of a larger outbreak. However, since then the number of students absent has reduced.
Staffing is still a concern due to the shortage of temporary relief teachers; we have been able to cover staff absences so far but there have been a few days we weren't sure if we were going to find anyone.
Replacing our student support staff is more difficult as there isn't a pool of SSO's that can be called upon. As they are often working with students who need extra support their absences are felt more directly than when a teacher is absent. Fortunately, we have been able to shuffle staff around to provide the support required but this has meant that some intervention programs have been suspended as a result.
I am currently self-isolating as my wife has COVID19. I am one of several staff that have had to isolate so far this year. I think it is reasonable to suggest that many of our staff, under the current COVID19 arrangements, will have to isolate at some stage. We will endeavour to maintain the norm for the students and continue with our regular learning programs regardless of who is in front of the class.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We are planning to have parent teacher interviews later this term. It will be nice for parents to come and visit their child's classroom and have a face-to-face conversation with their teacher. Bookings will be able to be made online, more information will be provided next week via Skoolbag.
Swimming Pool
The good news is the pool upgrade is finally finished. The bad news is we haven't been able to get into it due to a shortage of instructors. Hopefully in a couple of weeks more will be available, and we can officially open the pool and start swimming in this fantastic facility.
If you have any queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards,
Kevin Kennedy