Grade 1 Students 

Celebrating our outstanding Ones!

1A - Miss Morrison


We have been working on our understanding of place value – knowing that 10 ones makes 1 ten. Here we are playing ‘Place Value Scoot’. We had to find the 20 cards around the room and write the correlating number. For example: we can see that 3 tens + 7 ones = 37.



We practise our Magic Words daily! Whether we are up to reading or spelling our words, it is always fun to get out the whiteboards, playdoh, magazine letters etc. to create and build our words, and then read them to a friend!

1B - Miss Lou

1B have had a wonderful time extending and building on their knowledge of Place Value! Each student rolled two or three dices and then had to make the biggest number they could. For example - if the student rolled a 2, 5 and 3 they would make the number 532 and then build it on their place value house! 

Joe B
Joe B

1B have been focusing on multiple intelligences - how we are all unique and learn differently. We individually answered 30 questions, graphing the answers to our questions. Each child identified what type of ‘SMART’ they were and investigated how they learn best. The categories were: people, musical, maths, art, body, self, word and nature smart. Some students found out that they could have more than one ‘SMART’.

Kit D
Kit D

1C - Miss Wong

We have been focusing on place value with 2 digit numbers in Grade 1. Here we are making our numbers with different materials!
