Foundation Students

Celebrating our  fabulous Foundies!

FA - Miss Zoe


We have been using these strategies (see image) for our reading each day.  You may have heard all about ‘Pointy Porcupine’ and ‘Eagle Eye Eddie’, but now there is ‘Lips the Fish’ too! Students are learning to identify the first letter in the unknown word and then sound it out to help them figure it out the word. This is a great chance to chat about letter sounds with your child. 


This week the children have been continuing with their numbers to 10. Our focus has been on subitising (recognising numbers without counting). Here is one little superstar playing her ‘super speedy super subitising’ game. They children loved this game and enjoyed playing with their partner. These activities are great for developing Maths understandings with the added bonus of building new friendships within the class!

FB - Miss Deacon


Wow am I impressed with the reading that is happening in Foundation B! We have been learning about some special helpers that teach us reading strategies. So far we have been using ‘Eagle Eye Eddie’ who helps us look at the pictures to guess a word, ‘Pointy Porcupine’ helps us point to each word as we read them and this week we have been using ‘Lips the Fish’ to help us get ready to say the first letter of an unknown word. As you can see we have been using ALL these strategies by reading our readers every morning, reading a ‘Big Book’ as a class as well as reading rotations 4 times a week. These all help consolidate the learning that has been happening. Soon we will be learning about ’Stretchy Snake’ (stay tuned). Parents, we encourage you to use these strategies at home when reading with your children! I am sure they have told you all about them, if not please do ask them as we use them every day.


We have been learning about the Zones of Regulation in Foundation over the past couple of weeks. The Green Zone is the ‘ready to learn’ zone and the colour we want to be in the most! However, we know that some of the time we may be in the other zones and that is ok. We discussed about our feelings again just like we did when we did our emoji plate lesson. This time we did it without Buddies!! We read a story called ’The Great Big Book of Feelings’ and then we sorted many different emotions and made a classroom display. Students then worked with their big buddy to cut and sort the different emotions and what zone they would fit in. It would be great if you can use these zones at home as well, it is a very useful tool!Later this week we will be making our own ’Self Regulation Plates’ which ties into the zones. Students will choose 6 strategies that work for them to get back into the Green Zone so that they are ready to learn. 

FC - Miss Ady


This week we have introduced ‘Lips the Fish’. We are building on our strategies each week and have already covered ‘Eagle Eye Eddie’ and ‘Pointy Porcupine’. Look at these experts modelling how it’s done!


Here are some of our rotation activities. We are working on exploring numbers to 10. They are engaging and hands on too. These activities also incorporate fine motor skills.