Important Information

Key dates to remember
Fri 18th Mar Nat.Act Day ag. Bullying
Mon 21st Mar Cultural Diversity Day
Fri 1st Apr LSC Cross Country
Tues 5th Apr Best Practice Interviews
Fri 8th Apr Last day of Term 1
Tue 26th Apr First day of Term 2
Best Practice Interviews
Our best Practice Interviews will take place this term for Year 10 students on Tuesday 5th April; Please ensure students confirm their interview time, room location and prepare!. This is a great opportunity to build confidence and communication skills in a familiar environment and we're looking forward to meeting our students in a professional capacity as they impress us with their interview skills.
Be on the Look Out!
Year 10 students will be receiving their consent card soon regarding their immunisation against the deadly Meningococcal Disease.
Please ask your child for the consent card (hidden in their bag), sign and return it to school even if you elect not to have your child immunised, it MUST be returned to the school.
For more information regarding the immunisation, follow the link
For more information regarding Meningococcal disease follow the below link
For help with translations click here
Safe Around Schools
Casey Council have released a new short video about staying safe around schools during drop off and pick up times. To view, see below or visit our website.