Sub School News

Focus on Preconditions for Learning
After 2 years of disruptions due to the covid 19 pandemic and switching between remote learning and face to face learning we are experiencing some challenges with students settling back into the routine of school life and following our basic school rules. Due to this we are having a focus for the remainder of this term on resetting our high expectations. Based on our data, observations and feedback we are focusing on 6 key areas:
Area of Focus Date of Implementation
- Equipment 21.3.22
- Mobile Phones 21.3.22
- Uniform 28.3.22
- Lateness to class 04.4.22
- Truancy 26.4.22
- Behaviour for Learning 03.5.22
The focus on these 6 key areas will involve creating new procedures for students that breach these processes, increasing communication with families to make families aware when their child breaches these preconditions and broader communication across the college of the procedures for breaches.
We are seeking the support of families to discuss these new procedures with students as well as ensuring our students have the required equipment and uniform to ensure they are following the college expectations.
We will have a staged implementation to this plan and will focus on a new area each week. Whilst the focus on some key areas may not start until later in the term, the expectation will still be in place to abide by the college rules before that and we as a college will still address the issues when we see them. Each week will have a new precondition focus.
To assist students in having the correct equipment for class we have stationery packs available from the front office for $5 which includes a variety of pens, pencils, ruler, sharpener, in a personalised pencil case. Alternatively, students can complete 30 minutes of community service at lunch time or after school to receive a stationery pack for free.
If parents/carers are having financial difficulties in purchasing the school uniform, we would ask you to please contact your child’s Sub School Leader or Team Leader to discuss. There has been a recent update to our college uniform policy where students can now purchase black leather look runners. These need to be a full synthetic leather shoe without any mesh or material. Examples of these are below:
We want to bring back the routine and high expectations to the college and to do this we need a clear process for what our expectations are and what will happen if students breach the rules. Below you will find the process for the process for breach of Mobile Phones at school and the process for not bringing correct equipment to class. Each week we will provide information about the next stage of implementation. We will also be promoting this information via our social media pages (Instagram and Facebook) as well as via student assemblies. All of our policies are also available on the college website. We thank parents and carers in advance for their support in helping us to re-establish our orderly classroom environment and high expectations. By resetting these expectations, we are creating a better learning environment for our students and staff.