Teaching and learning

As Omicron increases in the community, so does the need to adapt how and what our response to learning is.  


Over the past week our teachers have been meeting to share best practice to ensure we are able to implement a range of approaches to teaching and learning at school and learning at home. 


Home Learning 

Earlier this year your child was sent home with a Home Learning Pack to be used when you and your child are required to self isolate.  Please keep this in a safe place until you are required to isolate. 


The Ministry’s hardcopy learning packs provide materials for ākonga who may not have access to online learning during this time and are there to complement their school’s learning programme. The packs include stationery, reading books (e.g. school journals), subject specific learning materials and fun activities. Parent and whānau guidance is also included to support children learning from home.

MOE Home Learning Packs

Year 4 exampl1
Year 2 example
Year 3 example
Year 4 example
Year 5 example
Year 6 example
Year 7 example
Year 8 example
Year 4 exampl1
Year 2 example
Year 3 example
Year 4 example
Year 5 example
Year 6 example
Year 7 example
Year 8 example