Principal News

Principal News

Dear Brookside,


What an action packed Term 3 we have had. This week in addition to all the special events that each year level are holding we will also have our Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday and our Whole School Assembly on Thursday at 2:15pm.


Please note that as Friday is the last day of term students will be dismissed at 2:15pm


Year 1 Productions


Last week I had the pleasure of attending one of the Year 1 Productions. The students were super excited to share their hard work and performance with their families. It was such a special moment to be part of and from the parents and grandparents I talked to in the audience they felt the same way. I would like to extend a big thank you to Liza Hoang the Performing Arts teacher. Liza has developed the whole Performing Arts program from scratch this year and it is now one of the students’ favourite hours of the week!




Last week we participated in RUOK Day. It was a massive event for the school and was certainly bigger and better than ever. For staff it started with a breakfast before school that provided us a great opportunity to come together, check in and celebrate with our colleagues. For our students RUOK Day was a focus for the whole week in their Morning Circles. Students reflected on the importance of their wellbeing and also on checking in with their friends. On RUOK Day itself there were many lunch time and recess activities that highlighted the importance of RUOK Day. I would like to thank our Wellbeing Team for the huge amount of work that went into setting up such a successful day for our College.


Messages from the students


I have been talking with the students about some of their highlights from the term and have put some of these below.


When we do Maths, because we get to do measuring of which things is heavier and less heavier.  Bnan Prep D


Having exciting stuff like tomorrow we can’t have a lunch order because we are going to the gallery. Ryan Prep D


I have liked fractions because I like lots of problem solving and maths is my favourite. You can use fractions for lots of stuff like when you cut a pizza. William 3E


PBL – We have been making cars. We can design it and we have to attach the wheels properly and have to use a pushing or pulling to drove it. Aydin 3C


Doing PBL because we have been making a project to withstand a natural disaster and it’s fun to create it and design it and get all the different materials to make it. Megan – 5B


Camp – Camp was really fun doing the activities and socialising with other people. Maame – 5E


The city experience it was fun to see how the city is with your friends learn about how to fit in in the city, take care of yourself and use the Mykis. Gurbaaz – 9D




As you know this is my last term at Brookside College. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Brookside Community for their support over my last few years at the College. I have loved working at Brookside and it is truly with mixed emotions that I move on to University Park Primary School. I wish you all the very best and will be sure to keep in contact to hear about all the great work Brookside continues to do.


Have fun.


Adam Bright