Junior School Report

Message from the Director of Learning

- Ms. Alice Paget

Well done to all the junior school students who have now completed their Course Selection for 2019. Studying a range of subjects in junior school is an important process in making an informed decision with their electives and pathway choices through their secondary schooling. Both Year 7 and 8 had the opportunity to choose their iCreate selection, and the Year 8 students selected an elective for next year as well. 


The students are now part way through their second semester electives for 2018. It has been great to see the junior school students taking on board the feedback they received in their Semester 1 reports and implementing positive learning behaviours in their classes. Students have the ability to make maximum progress with changes in their learning behaviours. This includes the effort they put in, their behaviour, and their ability to meet deadlines, use class time effectively and complete homework on time.



Over the last week, all our Year 7 students have taken part in a self-care workshop with our school nurse, Christalia Formoso. These workshops have complemented the Health Curriculum as part of one of their core subject, Health and Physical Education. Students learnt about the different aspects and importance of self-care, including hygiene, nutrition, exercise and mental wellbeing.



This year in the junior school, we have integrated The Resilience Project lessons into each student’s diary, as we recognise the importance of positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.


The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, providing practical, evidence-based, positive mental health strategies to students. This has been in the form of weekly lesson workshops, a daily reflection and a wellbeing tracker within students’ school diaries. All Year 7 and 8 students have 30 lessons that they have been working through this year in their Resilience Project workshops. These lessons have a specific focus on:

  • Emotional Literacy
  • Mindfulness
  • Gratitude
  • Empathy

Students have had the opportunity to be involved in discussions, watch videos, write journal entries, identify emotions, complete mindfulness activities, identify character strengths, as well as a multitude of other opportunities in these workshops.


Please take the time to look through your child’s diary and check in on their wellbeing tracker, daily reflections and the weekly workshop they have been involved in.


Ms. Alice Paget

Salaka African Interactive Drumming Tour

The Year 7 and 8 students were privileged to be part of the 'Salaka' sharing the spirit of Africa interactive Drumming Tour on Friday the 27th of July.

The students gained insight into life in Ghana through history, culture, dance and performance. Through the beat of drums students and teachers alike bought the Westall Gym to life! Sami and Izzi in their traditional colourful dress, and lively personalities, shared the spirit of African drumming and incredible acrobatic dance with us. Some of the students were very brave in getting up and doing solo moves! Everyone left feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the rest of the day with energy and enthusiasm.


Thank you to the great energy driven by the students. To the teachers, well done to an excellent drumming performance! 


A huge thank you to 'Salaka' from African Beat!!


Ms. Helen Ifandis

Arts Coordinator.

Year 8 Medieval Incursion

On Tuesday 31st July,  the Year 8 students had a visit from the Medieval Education company.


The students were rotated through two different sessions with the instructors, where they learnt about Feudal Japan, with an emphasis on the feudal system that existed in medieval times. The second room was all about weapons and armour based on the Viking era. Students had a chance to dress up in armour and the clothing which were all replicas of the real thing. We were told that a real Samurai sword may cost a million dollars in the present day as they are so well made and valued by collectors. Unfortunately, we only saw a replica of one.

Even the teachers got involved in the fun!
Even the teachers got involved in the fun!

The students loved the interactive nature of the presentation as well as being able to dress in the clothing of the Vikings. It was a valuable addition to the unit of work that the Global Literacy teachers are currently teaching.


Ms. Sue Stenning

Humanities Coordinator