Middle School Report

Message from the Director of Learning

- Mr. Tom Tahos

Congratulations to Year 9 and Year 10 students for submitting their course selections on time. We are now in the process of creating our 2019 timetable. Students who are impacted by clashes and class sizes will require further counselling. 


Keep checking compass for upcoming events and news feeds, as this is the main way we are communicating with our community.


Please continue to be vigilant with your learning. This includes being punctual to all classes, engaging with your learning (bringing correct equipment and completing class tasks) and having an attendance record of at least 90%.


All students should be clear about the school’s expectation regarding school uniform. Non-uniform items will be confiscated.


Students have been given various consent forms that need to be filled out and approved by parents/carers. These forms need to be returned into the labelled return tubs located in the Middle School Office.  If you were away when the forms were distributed, please come and collect from our Middle School office.


Mr. Tom Tahos

Iron Armour - Bounce Back Program

At the start of Term 3, Mrs Armstrong formed a group consisting of young Polynesians. An organisation called Iron Armour run this program which occurs once a week. The mentors, Bux and Benny, are committed in teaching and guiding us (the students) to become leaders and have a successful education.

In our sessions, we set weekly goals to achieve. All of us have achieved our personal goals and we are very proud in what we have done so far.


At the start of our sessions, Bux and Benny check up on all members in the Bounce Back program, by saying how our day or week has been, our highs and lows, difficulties either at home, school or in the community. Everything that is shared within the group is confidential. Our mentors also teach us how to become better people in general and how to be role models, whether it is at home, during school, or in the public community. Another topic that has been covered in our sessions is how we can better  manage our time.


During the rest of this program, we will continue to aim for higher goals to achieve. It has been a great honour to work with, and learn from, our mentors and we are looking forward to becoming better people than we were before and do better at school.


We thank Bux and Benny for giving up their time to help us and many other kids around the community. The group within the Bounce Back program will be excited to see them some time in the future when we are grown up and are great role models for younger generations. We would also like to thank Mrs Armstrong for being a strong and determined mother figure to help the young Polynesians in this school, and we will continue to grow into responsible young men.


From Jackson, Maje, Elijer and Gemasba