Senior School Report

Message from the Acting Director of Learning

- Mr. Jarrod Johnstone

Thank you to parents and staff for your support of our students as they make plans for next year and beyond. Students have undergone course counselling and subject selection processes over the past 2 weeks in school. The studies that a student takes can have a big impact on the courses available to them in University. Term 3 is a time for students to realise their goals. It is not a time to sit back and wait for revision time, as students should be constantly revising what they learn in classes to ensure that they can understand and apply newer content in their studies.



Year 12 VCE students should have set up a VTAC account and submitted an application to further study if they choose to go on to further study. We recommend that all students do this even if they are unsure about what to study, or whether they will get into the course that they want.


Year 11 VCE students have selected their studies for next year, paying careful attention to university prerequisites as well as pursuing studies that they excel in and enjoy.


Most of our Year 11 VCAL students will continue their VET subject and work placement into 2019, with some students deciding on a change of pathway for next year. Year 12 VCAL students are quickly approaching the end of their studies and should be planning their next step into the workforce or further study. A key part of this is for students to ensure that they have met all of the outcomes for their VCAL Certificate.



The Senior Sub-school has an attendance policy of 90% per subject. Many of our students have excellent attendance, which helps them to stay on top of their studies, but it’s easy for attendance to drop too low with an illness or family matter. If a student is sick, even for one day, they should get a medical certificate and hand it in to the senior sub-school office. This way, the absence is ‘covered’ and counts towards a student’s overall attendance. Without a medical certificate, an absence is not approved even when the school is notified by parents. Parents of students who have low attendance will receive notification that your child is at risk of not passing a subject. If you receive one of these, please address your child’s attendance as much as possible. Speak with your child’s Year Level Coordinator for more information.



A small group of Year 11 students have successfully graduated from the ABCN Focus leadership program. Congratulations to Rachel Carnahan, Steph Hollyfield, Thil Korn, Angie Koeng, Sally Maele, Pheavy Sok, Mary Tith and Con Sa Wong, who honed their leadership skills alongside female business mentors.

Mr. Jarrod Johnstone

Hospitality and SRC Dinner

Throughout Term 2 and 3, Hospitality students have been supporting our student representative council by catering for morning teas and buffet dinners.


This is a part of the Year 12 VCE VET Hospitality assessments, and all Year 11 and 12 students have made these events a great success.


Our final buffet dinner will be held on the 3rd September for Year 11 and 12 students and staff.


Miss Rochelle Travitz

Food Technology

Real World Maths in Action 

On the 27th of July, the Maths Fair at the University of Melbourne, organised by the School of Mathematics and Statistics, celebrated maths in the real world for avid Year 11s and 12s across the state. The aim of the biennial event is to promote the broad applications of mathematics and problem solving, and in addition, to raise awareness of career opportunities for prospective mathematicians or statisticians.




With a total of 20 Westallians, 12 of the students branched off to the Mathematicians Exposed sector, to hear from previous graduates about their professions in mathematics and statistics. Students spent the remaining time participating in short problem solving competitions with other schools.


The 2 groups of 4 entered the Mathematics in Industry and Technology (MIT) challenge, which explored data analysis involving the sales of donuts. The intense 2.5 hour process, consisting of 5 questions, simulated a real world business exchange between the client (industry representative presenting the real world problem) and the consultants (participants). The data presented could be analysed, interpreted and processed in numerous ways, which emphasised the ambiguity of solving real world applications. The top 5 ranked teams out of approximately 50 schools exhibited a 5 minute presentation discussing their findings. Unfortunately, neither of our teams was selected, however, it was a privilege to learn from the others.


Ms. Melinda Chee

Maths Coordinator

Art Industry Contexts 

On Thursday 16th of August, the Year 12 Studio Arts students visited MUMA, Monash Museum of Modern Art and Ten Cubed Gallery in Malvern.


In Unit 4, students are required to compare two different exhibition spaces, public versus private gallery settings. MUMA offers a great program whereby students get to view the raw behind the scenes of two galleries, as well as experience the work of contemporary artists.


The students learnt about the runnings of a medium and small scale galleries, the various roles of the curator, director and education officer. They were excited to see how an exhibition is designed: from hiring contractors and a crew, installing false walls, as well as loaning overseas curators to oversee the exhibit of the art works.


The students experienced the world of Robert Smithson, minimalist land artist, famous for his 1960 art work 'Spiral Jetty' created in Utah USA, and Pat Brassington established Tasmanian photo media artist, still practising at 78 years of age.


Ten Cubed Gallery gave students a whole new insight into the world of Art, a philanthropic setting set up by the Gringlas family, Aida and Diane. The Gallery promotes and exhibits the work of 10 contemporary artists over 10 years giving them exposure to art industry.


Students will be preparing for their last SAC this week based on the visit to the two galleries. A big thank you to the students for their great conduct and engagement on the day!


Ms. Helen Ifandis

Arts Coordinator