Assistant Principal Report

Assistant Principal -

Mr. Mark Henderson

Filming of the new

Westall SC promotional video

On Wednesday, we were joined by Ken and Glen from Hikari photography, who spent the afternoon filming students in iCreate and around the school. Here are some preview shots:

The remainder of filming will take place on Wednesday 29th August, with Study Centre, Sports, Senior School, Coding, Kidpreneur, Aviation and Singing, Dance and Drama as the focus.


Thank you to all staff and students who are taking part in the filming and I look forward to presenting you with a new promotional video AND website in the near future.

Brain Training

Doing brain teasers and learning new subjects, like a new language, is an important part of keeping your brain healthy. The more connections you form, the better your brain will be.

In each newsletter edition, I will include a brain teaser for your enjoyment.


Brain teaser: The perfect kingdom (FROM LAST NEWSLETTER)


Here is the solution to the brain teaser posted in the last issue. Did you get it right?

This week’s brain teaser: 3 Matches for 3 Squares

Students: If you think you have the solution, come to see me and if you are correct, you will be rewarded.


Parents: Keep a note of your solution and the answer will be revealed in the next newsletter.


Mr Lanarus, Ms Simadri and I have been for several walks around the College to see how well our students are wearing their school uniform. I would like to say well done to the student body on the whole, in particular the Junior School classes who had faultless uniform. You are wearing the uniform with pride and are sending a really positive message to our local community. Well done!

Literacy Week:

Keeping it Short!