Year 6 News

On Tuesday we learned about tessellations. Tessellations are shapes that connect with each other and don’t overlap. We learned the 3 different ways of translating a shape, translation, reflection and rotate. A rhombus is a shape with no right angles but equal on all 4 sides.



It was quite hard to repeat the pattern when we were putting the attribute blocks together to make our tessellations. The different colours helped but it was challenging to place the shapes in the correct way. The first time I tried I couldn’t repeat the pattern properly – but my 2nd try fully worked out because I was able to get the same shape and continue the pattern. 




What are tessellations? Tessellations are a pattern that goes on and on never stops. A rhombus is a square that is tilted a bit and it looks like this           . There is a parallelogram that looks like a rhombus but just in a rectangle. Me and Adele made a repeating pattern it had lots of different shapes, and you have to make sure that there is no spaces in between each shape and that they all connect. They also have to be symmetrical and look the same on each side.  



In today's maths lesson we learnt about tessellations. We learnt that tessellations are shapes put together with no space in between. Some tessellations are 1 or 2 shapes put together but to make them a tessellation you need to use 3 translations - slide, flip and turn to make them all fit together perfectly. Ms Carter also showed us how to make a tessellation out of paper by getting 8 pieces of square paper and cutting random holes of the edges then we would put them back together and because they were different colours they would turn out really nice. Some people in the class also made a tessellation out of wooden shapes and they looked really good and were all so unique and creative. 



For this week’s maths lesson we learnt about tessellation. I found out that all the shapes you use have to leave no gaps or blank spaces. 



I didn’t know much about tessellations and I learnt a lot like how the patterns need to repeat and be the same. A rhombus is a diamond shape with all the sides being the same length. 



On Tuesday we learned about tessellations and transformations. We had to create tessellations and used different shapes or the same shapes to create a pattern that does not overlap.  




Learning about tessellations was quite interesting. I was intrigued by learning the difference between a rhombus and a parallelogram. We learned that translation, rotation and reflection are the different ways you can transform a shape. Afterward we created our own tessellations solo or in a  group. Tom, Jamie and I worked together to make an expanding pattern that turned out to be quite a good pattern. The shapes involved included: hexagons, triangles, rhombus,  and squares. 
