Year 4 News


It’s been a busy end to the term in Year 4 and we want to thank parents for their support with our inquiry unit, the exhibition, athletics and book week to name just a few!


We were lucky enough to have our Science teacher Mrs Graham conduct her annual session of “Merry’s Meats” which gave the children an opportunity to see what bones, muscles, joints and organs look and feel like! Thank you to Mrs Graham for providing an engaging, fun and literally “hands-on” experience for our Year 4’s. They loved it.


Below are four recounts from our exhibition experiences:


By Sonny M 4A

On Monday the 29 August we had our year 4 exhibition on the human body. I could feel a long day coming on. For a second, I had all the time in the world and the next second the first of the parents were walking into the class room.


I felt really nervous sitting there on my chair. My parents were my first customers so I told them what we had been doing in class and of course about my system (the respiratory system).


When all the parents had left I already felt so tired but I couldn’t sleep now that was only the first wave. The year sixes were next but we had a bit of a break until then so I went to make some more prizes for my little game. After everyone had passed through the class room and had looked at everyone’s it was time to pack up.


By Curtis L 4B

The day started with people making lots of last minute adjustments. Tape, Blue Tak and cardboard were flying all across the room while the was a long line to the printer. The parents came in 3 minutes late allowing us to make all the adjustments we needed. But, at 9.18 the parents walked through the door that was shaped with a human face.


There were so many people in the classroom but I didn’t see my mum. “Where is she?” I wondered. But again 3 minutes late at 9.21. She came over to mine and asked, “So, can you tell me about the lymphatic system?” I brought her through, and when we were finished, Mrs Duffy came to see it! 


At around 9.50 we said goodbye to the parents and everyone went outside to wait for the year sixes to come. When we saw them, we all ran inside, so excited that after 3 weeks of preparing we finally got to show the students what we did.


A lot of classes came and went, visiting our stalls, but the classes I remember the best were the preps. They were running around and looking for stickers!

At the end, around 100 people had signed my signer and about 400 came to my stall! Anyway, we all had an amazing day. Thank you for reading.


By Ellen L 4C

First, I wake up, realising it’s the day of the exhibition! I go to eat breakfast getting more and more nervous by the second and my tummy feels like it’s going to pop. 


I arrive at school at 8:45 feeling so nervous but exited but as soon as I walk in the class room all of my nervous energy goes away and I’m happy.  The order of the day was: parents, year 6, year 3, year 1, year 2 prep then last but not least year 5. When the first parent walked in I got really excited for the day ahead and forget I was nervous in the first place! 


My parents finally walk in and me and my group started explaining our big question and the process. When we had finished explaining to my parents they left and I was feeling very excited for the big day to come. 


After we had finished all of the classes we were all super-duper   tired so we moved all of the tables back to their correct spots and we watched cloudy with a chance of meat balls and I think everyone was very tired because noone talked through the whole thing!!


When the bell went I felt really tired and my legs where hurting so much from standing all day that when I got home I felt like I would go to sleep if the builders weren’t there but it was really fun and I learnt soooo much cool stuff! 





By Ella O 4D

As I walked in the school gates, my tummy fluttered with nerves. Today was the big day, it was the year four exhibition. The speaker rang loud and clear “All year fours to the year five and six classroom please.”


We walked over collecting laptops, as I signed on, I wondered if we hadn’t done too much? We had five members Me, Ellie, Caleb, Finn and Harriet. My sway flashed across the screen, The Circulatory System. The teachers said the parents where coming in soon, Yikes!


I held my breath as the room slowly filed with people, I immediately spotted my mum. She walked over smiling I let go of my breath, this was going to be a long day.


Finally, it was our recess, I walked out, yawning, my legs where stiff and aching from standing so long. It was a quick and hurried recess because we had another year straight after.  I was nervous.


There was this one girl that caught my eye when she came over, she had a blonde ponytail. She asked what we were doing? We were doing how does a cobra bite affect the body? She watched with polite curiousness and stopped to ask questions regularly. She got four out of five on the test and was bright for her age.


Before I knew it, the long day was over we were all so tired. Finally the bell rang and the day ended.


Pen licences

Term 3 and 4 are always filled with excitement and trepidation in year 4 as we distribute pen licences. We have had two hard-working groups over the last two weeks and look forward to handing out many more over next term. 


Year 4’s are focusing on pencil grip, posture, letter formation and pressure on the page.




We are looking forward to catching up with our year 2 pen pals this afternoon to exchange letters and complete a footy finals activity together. 



Our statistics and probability learning task is coming home today for you to review with your child and feedback is currently available on Compass.