Kitchen Garden 








Over the past 2 weeks, the students have been discussing, harvesting and cooking with leek, oranges and eggs. 

We used leek and eggs to make a delicious quiche and we also used oranges and eggs to make a lovely chocolate-orange cake.  Please see the recipes attached incase your children would like to make them again at home because these two recipes were mighty popular. 

Chocolate Orange Cake
Chocolate Orange Cake
Decorating with Violas
Decorating with Violas
Leek & Bacon quiche
Leek & Bacon quiche




The classes usually make a herbal tea each time they come to the Kitchen & Garden. We don't necessarily have a recipe for these but are always utilising herbs from our garden. This week, we combined fennel fronds and mint to make "Fennel & Mint Tea." It was really lovely!


Finally, I would like to ask if any families might have a few oranges growing on their trees at home that they could donate to the kitchen. I am after 1-2 dozen and would appreciate if you have some you might be  able to spare. If so, please send to the Kitchen. 

Thankyou in advance! 


Enjoy your long weekend and Happy Cooking!!


Mrs Slattery

Gardening News

Its been a very productive week in the garden  this week.  Spring and lots of rain has set our veggies and weeds to life again .  So we called in the Fennel crew,  they pulled up lots of unwanted fennel sprouts and weeds. The 5 /6's got stuck into clearing and filled two huge green bins.  Fantastic effort.

Our 1/2' s & Preps also got into some great gardening, cutting back our Calendula and planting summer crops like pumpkins, beans and corn.

All things chicken - was the theme for our Thursday class.  We looked at what chickens eat, their features, their social structure and even chatted about their amazing colour vision.

We compared egg sizes and egg colours. 

We even turned into chickens for a while  and clucked around the garden.


Looking forward to planting the rest of our summer crops, like tomotoes, cucumbers & zucchinis .  

Happy Gardening.

Sandy Lindfield