Principal's Report 

Dear St A's community,


Over the past 2 weeks, we have seen lots of things happening at our school!  The Grade 2 students experienced the school sleepover and had a fantastic time!  During the day the students participated in a 'camp experience' incursion with Lord Summers camp, then when the sleepover began the students played games, ate pizza, and enjoyed a movie night.   Thank you to all the staff members who supervised the students overnight and made the event an enjoyable time for the students.



We have a number of our Grade 6 students preparing for their Confirmation.  Please keep these students in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare for this blessed sacrament.  Last Friday the students participated in a day of reflection to help prepare themselves.  Next Thursday the 3rd of November the students will be confirmed at St Francis Xavier Church. 


Today has been a busy day - Bandana Day, Day for Daniel, and World Teachers' Day.   Students came dressed today with a touch of red and many of the students wore their bandannas to support people with cancer. 


                           Day for Daniel 

This is Australia's largest national day of action to raise awareness of child safety, protection, and prevention, and our students were actively engaged in activities and conversations around this very important topic. 


                            Bandanna Day

To date, we have sold 143 bandannas and with some additional donations, we have raised $853 to give to CANTEEN.  This organisation uses the funds raised to support young people 12-25 to help build resilience and coping skills for those dealing with this dreaded disease.  A very worthy organisation.  A big thank you to our school community that bought a bandanna and have been wearing them so proudly!

Our proud raffle winners, Luca Velasco 1/2BLD and James Agland 5/6K.



                   World Teachers' Day

Today we recognise the great work that our teaching staff do! Our teachers have shown great resilience during challenging times and have continued to work tirelessly to give their all to your children.  They do a remarkable job, have an incredible workload, and continue to come to school every single day to do what they do best!  The theme for 2022 World Teachers' Day is 'Hats off to teachers.' Maybe a thank you to your child/ren's classroom teacher may be a nice addition to the teachers' day.  The teachers all enjoyed a morning tea and a few surprises today - so hopefully, they all go home happy!

 St A's Mad Hatter's Trivia Night

Thank you to all the members of our school community that came together for our Trivia night on Saturday!  It certainly was a fun and enjoyable night.  A big thank you to Jacinta Martin and the members of the P&F that worked tirelessly behind the scenes and on the day and night to get this event up and running!  It was a team effort by the P&F and their families and for this, we are greatly appreciative.  


Have a great long weekend.

Stay safe.

Enjoy the company of your family.

God Bless


Carrie Rodda
