Principal's Report

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you enjoyed the break from school routine and were able to recharge the batteries, ready to launch into Term 4. We have another busy term ahead with an array of learning opportunities and experiences planned that includes our Concert, the Solar Challenge, a range of sporting events, Years 3/4 Camp, Prep-2 Swimming, the Colour Explosion, and the Year 6 Graduation celebrations, just to mention a few. All of this happens concurrently with the regular business of teaching and learning and professional development of staff. We are all looking forward to the weeks ahead with great enthusiasm.

Footy Day

Unfortunately, I missed the footy day celebration day on the last day of term but from all accounts it was a huge success. I would like to thank our wonderful Parent’s Association for organising the ‘special footy lunch’ a highlight of the day. 

Hats On

A reminder that all students need to have their school hat on to always play outside! Please dig out your child’s hat and make sure they have it in their bag and that it is labelled with their name. You can purchase a new school hat from PSW, Glen Waverley and we also have them for sale at the Office.

School Concert

The classes are all busy rehearsing their special musical concert items for our upcoming school concert, Space Spectacular. It has been four years since our last concert, so we are all very much looking forward to the enjoyment that flows from this special school event. Tickets will be on sale from 10am tomorrow, on Trybooking (tickets cost $22.50 for adults, $15 for children, tickets do not need to be purchased for SSPS students). It is important to note that all students are required to attend both nights.  The concert will be recorded by Michael Lawton, and parents can purchase a DVD or download a video file for $25.  The school will be refunded $5 for every sale over 50 of the video.

Diabetes Fundraiser

Type 1 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes affecting children and teenagers and is caused by the body not having enough insulin. Riley in Year 2 was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 12 months ago and he and his family have joined the JDRF Australia One Walk to raise money for Type 1 research. JDRF is the leading supporter of type 1 diabetes (T1D) research globally and in Australia. Riley has a brother, Jordan in Year 5 and it would be great if our wonderful SSPS families could support both boys in this.-

Division Athletics

Finally, yesterday we had 22 students representing SSPS at the Division Athletics meet at the Bill Stewart Athletics track in East Burwood. All the students did an amazing job qualifying and then competing in the competition. We now have 12 students, which includes two relay teams who have made it through to the next stage of the competition which is the Regional Athletics on the 20th October. We wish them all the very best, go Syndal!

Colour Explosion (Fun Run)

We are very excited to announce that on Friday 9th December we are holding a "Colour Explosion" Fun Run Fundraiser.  It will be a fantastic evening where students and families will be sprayed with colour powder as they run around the track. After the run we will have food stalls selling food, including Indian, Chinese and a BBQ, and there will be other activities as well.  We are seeking help from parents in the preparation and selling of the food, so if you can help please complete the google form here

School Policies

Due to the implementation of the new Child Safe Standards a number of school policies have recently been updated.  A Compass Newsfeed will be sent out in the next few days notifying families of the policies that have been updated.   


Thanks and have a great week!
