Performing Arts

Concerts and Soirees Abound
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun rise warm upon your face.
May the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen.
These were the words that the Senior Choir sang at the end of the Gala Concert, the final performance for Term 3. This provided the opportunity to acknowledge our Year 12 musicians and the enormous contribution that each one has made over their time at the College.
Sinfonia, Camerata and Cantabile each demonstrated the strength in our College’s Strings Program and the audience were treated to some dramatic and fun moments in the performances. The Senior Concert Band entertained with some up-tempo numbers and Sforzando provided a contrast to the large ensemble sound. The Senior Vocal Ensemble’s performance of the William Tell Overture was quite remarkable, and they contrasted this with a relaxed vibe in Lovely Day, which they also featured at this term’s School at Work. Our barbershop quartet added a little Motown to the evening with moves to match.
Term 4 has already featured a VCE Concert and two Soiree Evenings. Three VCE Music students treated the audience to some polished recital performances, and we wish them well in their upcoming music examinations. Both Soiree Evenings, divided into Junior and Senior, provided students with valuable solo performance experience and certainly entertained the audience with a variety-filled program. We also had the opportunity to thank our highly skilled and dedicated team of instructors and accompanists.
Our musicians are now working towards a Year 7 Concert to be held on Thursday 3 November and Year 5 Concert to be held on Wednesday 9 November. Both will showcase the hard work of these respective year groups in their Instrumental Program, as well as feature some Senior ensembles, demonstrating what can be achieved with persistence. This term will also feature a Year 2 Strings Concert, the Prep Nativity, AMEB and SCSM examinations, Junior School Final Assembly and Senior School Presentation Evening. Our musicians will be very busy indeed!
Concert For Cancer
Tickets are still available for this concert, featuring our Seraphim Choir and Junior Vocal Ensemble, which will support a most worthy cause.
Jeffrey Clarke
Head of Performing Arts
2022 Lyrebird Youth Awards
In Term 3, panel members from this organisation were present at our College’s production of The Little Mermaid. We congratulate the following students on their nominations in these awards for youth theatre:
Jessica Graham – Chef Louis: Best Comedic Performance
Wil Armstrong – Grimsby: Best Comedic Performance
Daniella Hupertz and Sharntai Niemann – Flotsam and Jetsam: Best Acting Partnership
We certainly wish these students all the best when the final awards are announced.
Claire Hogan
Head of Drama
VCE Concert
The Unit 4 VCE Concert was held in the BPAC on the evening of Thursday 6 October, with parents, friends and staff able to enjoy performances by Claire-Annai Hilton – Alto Saxophone, Miranda Lantry – Contemporary Voice, and Adib Ahmad – Pianoforte. The varied instruments and programs were a delight to listen to and were executed with technical security and evident musicality by the students.
This performance opportunity is an effective way to prepare for the pressure of the final VCAA assessment, and judging by the performances given by the students, they can attempt those assessments with confidence, which is a credit to their level of talent and commitment.
William van Pinxteren
VCE Music Teacher