Principal's Report



Dear Collingwood College,


There have been some exciting events throughout the College over recent weeks, with a highlight being the opening of our school production ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’.  I had the privilege of witnessing opening night on Thursday, 3rd November, where I was in awe of the outstanding level of ability, talent and professionalism that our students in both Primary and Secondary school put on display.  Huge thanks to Sarah Adams, who has put so much time and effort into bringing the show together.  This is a must-watch for all Collingwood families – tickets are still available for Friday night, Saturday matinee and Saturday evening. 


A reminder that Collingwood College has a student-free day (whole school) on Thursday, 24th November.  Staff will be undertaking professional learning with wellbeing as a key theme. 


Students finish the school year on December 16th.  Staff will be offering 3-Way Conferences on-demand on Monday, 19th December.



Year 12’s – End of Year!

Wednesday, 19th October, was the last official school day for our Year 12’s.  That said, they are still attending over the exam period to ensure that they are as prepared as possible (Masterclasses).


Students started the celebrations on Wednesday at Collingwood College, where the traditional ‘Rose Ceremony’ took place for all the Year 12 students that have been attending Wurun Senior Campus.  The ceremony represents the end of the schooling journey, with our Prep students presenting the outgoing students with a rose stem.  


The Year 12’s then travelled via train to Fitzroy High School, where they were given a guard of honour by Year 7-10 students as a celebration gesture. A formal assembly was then held in the Wurun Gym with Parents and Guardians attending.  I commend the staff from both Fitzroy and Collingwood for organising such a great event.  It was wonderful to see our Year 12’s back at ‘home base’.  We give our best wishes to all our students throughout the exam period!


Collingwood College Early Childhood Centre

On Thursday, 20th October, I was formally notified by DET that the Minister for Early Childhood and Pre-Prep had approved the request to change the grant type for Collingwood College Early Childhood Centre from a Building Blocks Capacity Integrated Children’s Centre to a Building Blocks Capacity Modular Project.


This now means a two-room modular block will be delivered by the VSBA for the Kinder Project. The Minister also approved the remainder of the grant amount to be used for refurbishing the existing space into occasional care.  This is great news – for a while there, it was looking like the occasional care option was going to be deleted.  I suspect work will begin very early in 2023, with an opening in January 2024.


Solar power!

Earlier this year, we were notified that we had been successful in participating in the ‘Greener Government Schools Initiative’.  This is a program where DET/VSBA will provide us with a 100kw solar system installed on the roof of our stadium.  The project should be completed within the next few days, I'm told that when the sun shines, we will essentially be running off the grid!


Minister Visit and Funding Announcement

On Friday, 14th October, local candidate Lauren O’Dwyer as well as Education Minister Natalie Hutchins MP and Richard Wynne MP, made an election announcement that Collingwood College would receive $6.89 million for an infrastructure upgrade for our Theatre and Arts facility.   


On Monday, 24th October, Sam Hibbins MP, Samantha Ratnam MP and candidates Campbell Gome and Gabriella de Vietri attended Collingwood College to announce their education policy.  A meeting with Leadership and students followed shortly after. 


Works Around the School

Table tennis tables have recently been installed under the mezzanine, and students have welcomed them with open arms.  Over the holiday break, further room upgrades occurred, with fresh paint and new carpet being rolled out as part of our maintenance and upgrade plan. 


2023 will see further improvement projects, which will include;

  • Major upgrade to the Junior School playground    
  • Installation of reverse cycle AC in key hotspots (classrooms) on second and third levels to support dress code policy and implementation
  • Additional electronic whiteboards, signage around the school to support classroom education, wayfinding, and messaging to the community and students
  • Canteen refurbishment and floor upgrade
  • Relocation of 3rd level staffroom – two staffrooms become one (middle school staffroom). This will include appropriate meeting space and technology
  • Several room upgrades, including installation of bi-fold doors and ceiling tiles etc. 
  • Rooftop waterproofing


Swing into Spring

Don’t forget our major event and celebration on November 18th.  I look forward to seeing you all there!


Take care,


Sam Luck

College Principal

Collingwood College

Cromwell St & McCutcheon Way, Collingwood, Vic, 3066

Ph: 03 9412 7700