1/2 T

Welcome back to Term 4!

Maths - What's the possibility?

Over the past fortnight we have been busy learning all about probability - the chance something will happen. Some of the words we have used to describe probability include; 

impossible, unlikely, even chance, likely and certain.


Here are some of our lolly jars we made to match given probabilities.

There is an even chance of getting a red or yellow lolly.
It is highly likely I will get a green lolly.
It is possible, but unlikely I will get a yellow lolly.
There is an even chance of getting a red or yellow lolly.
It is highly likely I will get a green lolly.
It is possible, but unlikely I will get a yellow lolly.


Literacy & Inquiry

Last week we read a wonderful story, "A House of her Own", which provided us with inspiration for our very own treehouses. We interviewed each other, practising our speaking and listening skills, and collected information about what we each would like to have in our treehouse. Using this information we designed a treehouse to meet the other person's needs. 



Our Inquiry topic for this term is all about Creativity


First, we had to work in teams and think creatively to use newspaper and tape 

(and nothing else) to build a tall, stable tower. 

Next, we used a range of craft materials to build a model of a piece of food. We had to build it, list the materials we used and describe the steps we carried out to make it. 

We also had to use creative thinking to make a special hat, without using any glue, sticky tape, staples or blu-tack. 

All this creativity will eventually lead us to designing and building our very own Robot Buddies later in the term.  We will be asking for donations of small/medium cardboard boxes (tissue, cereal, biscuit, shoe box sizes) and cardboard rolls. 

Because we are lacking storage space, could you please collect them at home and send them into school after week 6 - from November 14th.