Faith Matters

at St Francis Xavier School

Dear St Francis Xavier Families,



It has been some time since we have been able to celebrate mass as a whole school so it really lifted my spirits and gave me such happiness to see many of you last Sunday morning.  Thank you to the families who permitted their children to undertake a job at mass, I know you would have been very proud of their efforts. I very much appreciate the families who didn't have a child doing a mass task but still came along to participate and pray with our community.  We are very aware that our school comprises families who are non - Catholic and of other faiths and I think it's wonderful that we can come together on occasions like this to worship and celebrate. What an awesome example and experience for us all.

A huge thank you to the children who sang at mass on Sunday
A huge thank you to the children who sang at mass on Sunday
We had these amazing children lead Fr Jude into mass during the entrance procession
We had these amazing children lead Fr Jude into mass during the entrance procession
Thank you for doing special jobs at our mass
Thank you for doing special jobs at our mass


Ruby, Molly, Tomo, Micah and Caleb from Year 6 are currently getting ready for the Sacrament of Confirmation which they will receive next month.  Part of our mass, on Sunday, included a blessing in which they agreed to commit to the preparation and responsibilities associated with this special sacrament.  They will meet Bishop Tony Ireland next week when they gather with students from St Augustine's and the parish for a Confirmation Reflection Day.

Our Wonderful Confirmation Candidates
Our Wonderful Confirmation Candidates


October is one of the months, on the Catholic calendar, when we honour Mary, Jesus' blessed mother. Pope Francis asks that we pray the Rosary to ask Our Lady to intercede for us during these difficult times.  Class teachers will be undertaking some additional prayers and activities relating to Mary and the rosary. Earlier this year every child received a rosary from the Legion of Mary group. If you would like further information about praying the rosary with children please let you child's classroom teacher know and they will send something home.



It's been a few  years since we've been able to have Prayers in Pyjamas at St Francis Xavier, so I'm delighted to announce that it's back this year in November!

Prayers in Pyjamas is a Prep, Year 1/2 event where families and staff are invited to return to school in the evening, dressed in their pyjamas, and we participate in a variety of prayer and reflection activities. In addition to being a beautiful, relaxing opportunity to spend time with your family or mingle with others it is also a chance to experience some of the creative ways in which we encourage the children to express faith. 


Warmest wishes and God's blessings, 


Marion O'Brien

Education in Faith Leader