Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report


Term 4 - Week 2


Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,


Welcome to the first newsletter of the new term. It’s difficult to believe that we have arrived at the final term of the school year. 


Firstly, can I say a huge thank you to all our families who this morning followed the correct procedure when using the school drive through to drop off your child/ren. It was certainly a much smoother morning than yesterday had been.  

It honestly makes such a difference when adults stay in the car and students have their bags with them and not in the boot. Please endeavour to ensure this happens every day so we can keep cars moving through the area fluently. 


Changes to COVID Procedures

The Government has recently introduced changes to the COVID isolation and testing requirements that were previously in place.  I have included a summary of some of the key points which impact schools.


It is now strongly recommended that students:

  • who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home and isolate for five days
  • should not attend school after five days if still symptomatic
  • who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school.

Where students become symptomatic at school, they should:

  • be collected by their parents/carers
  • undergo testing for COVID-19.

The Department of Health recommends that a person who tests positive for COVID-19 should inform those with whom they have recently been in contact, including their school.


Students who wish to wear a face mask will be supported to do so. The school will continue to make face masks available for staff, students and visitors. The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home. Additionally, the department recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19 for 10 days after a positive test when they need to leave home.


We still have a huge number of RAT tests here at school. We will be sending a box home with all students tomorrow. If you need more, please give us a call. 


Grade 5/6 Lightning Premiership

Congratulations to our Grade 5/6 students who represented S.F.X at the Lightning Premiership on Tuesday at John Paul College. The weather was glorious for our Soccer, Netball and Newcombe teams to compete against all the other feeder schools for JPC. 

I had great reports from Miss Tamara (netball), Mr Brendan and Miss Lindsey (soccer) and Miss Yvette (Newcombe) that all games were played in the right spirit and that our students showed great sportsmanship throughout the day. 

A big congratulations in particular to our mixed Newcombe team, who were undefeated and crowned champions of the competition. 


New Playground

We are all extremely excited that work is well underway on our new junior playground. The weather hasn't been overly kind over the past few weeks which has pushed back the expected date for completion, which will now hopefully be the week after the Melbourne Cup. I have no doubt it will be worth the wait!


Key Dates for Term Four


Wednesday 19th October - Confirmation Family Evening

Friday 21st October - Grade 6 Confirmation Retreat Day

Tuesday 25th October - Walk for Epilepsy Day

Monday 31st October - SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY

Tuesday 1st November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

Thursday 3rd November - Sacrament of Confirmation for Grade 6 students

Friday 4th November - Grade 6 Cricket Lightning Premiership

Tuesday 8th November - Jersey Day (details will be provided closer to date)

Wednesday 9th November - Prep - Grade 2, Prayers in Pyjamas (6:00pm at school) 

Tuesday 15th November - Grandparent's morning

Monday 28th November - Italian Day

Tuesday 13th December - Year 7 2023 Orientation Days

Wednesday 14th December - Grade 3-6 PARC lifesaving sessions

Thursday 15th December - Grade Six Graduation

Friday 16th December - 2:00pm - Whole School End of Year Mass

                                                                   Final day of formal classes


Have a fantastic week everyone. 


Steve Peart

School Principal