From the Management Team

Authentic student leadership is an essential contributor to developing a positive school culture. As we are in the midst of selecting the Student Executive for 2023, it is always a time to marvel and congratulate the current Year 12 Leaders for their service and impact as they enjoy their final moments as secondary students.


Throughout the year we have been blessed with devotions from our Spiritual Leader, Kendall Kahl. Last week at Chapel, Kendall shared a pertinent message about overcoming obstacles which I would like to share.


Kendall’s message was that we all have obstacles in our life that we must overcome. Coming to the end of the year, with its joys but also challenges and struggles she wanted us to understand that we cannot put nothing in and must give of our best to achieve to our potential. She also wanted us all to think about whether our attitude is for or against us as we face our own challenges and struggles. She used to story of David and Goliath to share this message.


1 Samuel 17:49 'And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone and slung it and struck the Philistine on his forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground'.


David overcame a massive struggle, overpowered Goliath with his faith and preparedness. He prayed to and trusted in God, and he maintained an assured and positive attitude despite those who doubted him. David had a faith in God that fueled his self-belief to conquer Goliath, even though no one believed he could.


We were encouraged to reflect on and question what our Goliath is, and what our stone is as we persist through the remainder of the year. Our Goliath may be our schoolwork, our job, friendship or family dramas, maybe it is our physical or mental health. Our stone is what we hold onto and use to overcome those hardships. This is our faith in God, support systems, plans of action and self-belief.


Kendall’s final encouraging message was whatever your obstacle is, when it feels too big do not give up or let it defeat you, rather overcome it with faith, your strong stone and an unwavering assured confidence.


We should take great example from David, the shepherd that slayed a giant and became a king. It was his character not these feats, however, that truly made him admirable. He was humble and self-possessed, and showed a kindness that came from the heart of God. He kept promises and showed grace. He was courageous and stepped up in challenging situations. As children of God, if we all strive to exemplify and reflect David’s strengths and characteristics, we can thrive and triumph over anything.


Sharon Ward

Director of Senior Years


Romans 5: 3-5

'Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us'.