Secondary Community News 

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)

The year 7/8 cohort have been enjoying getting their hands dirty in hands on learning (HOL). Students have planted strawberries, flowers, beans and more. This week students have also learnt about Diwali and celebrated the festival within our classrooms. They made lanterns and decorated their classrooms!

Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)

Hungry Jackson Café Newsletter 


This term the Hungry Jackson Café will be serving new Mexican inspired foods. Come on down and try our new Pollo Delicioso (chicken) or Ole Delicioso (vegetable) burrito bowls. 


This term:


- 9/10B are cooking in the kitchen to make the delicious new burrito bowls. They are practicing their safe food handling skills and working well as a team. Feedback on the meals has been amazing.


- 9/10C is the service team. They are learning how to work as a team to greet customers, pour them water, bringing them their orders and clearing the tables after their meals. 


- 9/10D is in charge of finances for the café. The students are learning to work with the square app, handling cash and collecting orders from the staff for dine in and take away. They are also in charge of purchasing.


- 9/10A is the marketing team. They are working as a team to advertise and make announcements for the staff members. They do posters, teams posts and are helping to decorate the staff room for dine in customers. They are planning a surprise for later the term. 

Senior Secondary (VCAL/ASDAN)

Secondary Students of the Week

● Matthew 7/8C - Learning - for producing an amazing piece of writing about deserts.

● Jonah 7/8B - Independently - gets started on a reading activity every morning when he      enters the classroom and completes his work before choosing his reward time.

● William 7/8A - Responsibility - showed great responsibility this week, for apologizing to  his  peers when he understood he was wrong. He also stayed in his allocated area even  when his friends left.

● Wasif 7/8E - Learning - for showing his best work in solving addition problems. 

● Subhaan 7/8D - Learning - for making great contributions in class discussions and  showing  his learning.



● Angel - SSD - For being a kind and nice friend.

● Filip - SSC - For behaving in a very mature manner.

● Ruth - 9/10E - For being a great helper in class.

Senior Secondary (VCAL/ASDAN)

Secondary Students of the Week

● Matthew 7/8C - Learning - for producing an amazing piece of writing about deserts.

● Jonah 7/8B - Independently - gets started on a reading activity every morning when he      enters the classroom and completes his work before choosing his reward time.

● William 7/8A - Responsibility - showed great responsibility this week, for apologizing to  his  peers when he understood he was wrong. He also stayed in his allocated area even  when his friends left.

● Wasif 7/8E - Learning - for showing his best work in solving addition problems. 

● Subhaan 7/8D - Learning - for making great contributions in class discussions and  showing  his learning.



● Angel - SSD - For being a kind and nice friend.

● Filip - SSC - For behaving in a very mature manner.

● Ruth - 9/10E - For being a great helper in class.