P & C News

P&C News 

Hello PBSS Families!  


School of Rock, Rocked! 

Wow, what an amazing night! 

The P&C’s School of Rock Trivia Night Fundraiser was a huge hit. Thank you to all of those who attended and supported the P&C and school. 


Thank you to the following businesses for their recent support of our P&C Trivia Night: 

Kids on 4th


Instagram: @kidson4th  






MediaHunt www.mediahunt.com.au  





Billy Jaz McGrath www.mcgrath.com.au/offices/78-palm-beach 

Instagram: @billyjaz  




19th Avenue Shopping Centre


Facebook: www.facebook.com/19thaveshoppingcentre/ 


P&C Facebook Page  

Thank you and welcome to our new P&C Facebook Page followers.  

Our Facebook page is your go-to for all P&C events and important dates, all the info will be live and easy to find on the P&C Facebook page! 

Join us here: https://m.facebook.com/PBSS-PC-103198209136030/ or search ‘Palm Beach State School P&C’ 

PLEASE share and invite your PBSS friends!  


Dates To Remember 

Christmas Concert - 30th Nov

Last day of school - 9th Dec


Good Vibes Corner 

Q.  What dinosaur had the best vocabulary? 

A.  The thesaurus.


Kind Regards,  

PBSS P&C Executive committee 

Palm Beach SS P&C proudly uses AFM Accountants - 07 5534 5555