DI & Jackson Learner

Disability Inclusion Reform
The Disability Inclusion (DI) Reform which Kris Parsons is currently implementing across the South-West Region (Barwon) will impact Brimbank-Melton in next year (2024).
This will replace the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and the way students are currently funded to be at Jackson. This requires ongoing documentation of schools to provide substantial and extensive levels of adjustment (LoA) to help students with disability access education in all government schools. This reform is closely aligned to NDIS, including eligibility.
For more information, please visit: https://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/learningneeds/Pages/disability-inclusion.aspx
Disability Inclusion Profile Video:
Jackson Learner Dashboards
To also support our knowledge and understanding of our Jackson Learners, we have revised our Jackson Learner Dashboards to include Attendance, Incidents and a holistic Jackson Learner page. This can be used by staff to view a snapshot of contextual groups of learners (CGOLS) in their class, year level, cohort or the whole school. Staff can also filter my individual students. Access to the Jackson Learner Dashboard is available as a tile on The Portal as well as a tab in Microsoft Teams in Staffroom (General). Thank you Robyn for leading this initiative aligned to our Lyn Sharratt school improvement work.
It includes information about students including:
- Jackson Learner / Student View
- Contextual Groups of Learners (CGOLS)
- Breadth of Learners
- Achievement Levels
- Attendance
- Incidents
Staff can filter the data reports by:
- Home Group
- Year Level
- Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islanders (ATSI)
- Refugee
- Out of Home Care (OOHC)
- English as an Additional Language
- Access Restrictions
- Social Disadvantage / Equity Funding
- ASD, ADHD, Down Syndrome, ODD, Mobility, Vision, Hearing
- Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Allergies
- PSD Funding Level
- NDIS Participation
For more guidance on how to filter in Power BI, please visit: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/consumer/end-user-report-filter