DET is now DE

Sunday 1 January 2023 formally marked the beginning of the new Department of Education (DE), with the transfer of the Higher Education and Skills group, Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery, and related portfolio entities including the Victorian Skills Authority, the ACFE Board and the VET Development Centre to the new Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR).
As the Department of Education, we will hone our focus on ensuring the delivery of high-quality education and early childhood services for children and young people, to better respond to government priorities and help meet growing community expectations.
More information about the transition can be accessed on the intranet, including new templates and email signature blocks for our new department.
This is an energising and dynamic period for the department. I look forward to working together with you on the exciting journey we have ahead of us.
Jenny Atta
Department of Education