In 2023 we will be involved in the DE school-wide positive behaviour support coaching initiative with Shaun Fawkhead from the regional office. Shaun will support the SW-PBS team in evaulating and refining our current PBIS practices. Michelle will lead this initiative across the school.
Wellbeing: PBIS Virtual Data Wall
To make the data more readily accessible and easier to analyse, we have developed a PBIS Dashboard similar to what we used to use in SWIS. This data is imported directly from the Office Referral Forms in Xuno. This has led to us resolving some immediate issues we had with how we record behaviour incidents aligned to the Behaviour Flowchart.
These are split into Major and Minor incident tabs. Staff can filter incidents by:
- Student
- Homegroup / Class
- Year Level
- Date
- Day of the Week
- Month
- Term
- Behaviour
- Location
- Time
To view the PBIS Virtual Data online, please visit: https://app.powerbi.com/links/QuIKXNEdnT?ctid=d96cb337-1a87-44cf-b69b-3cec334a4c1f&pbi_source=linkShare
To view in Microsoft Teams, click on the PBIS Dashboard tab in the Staffroom General channel.
Behaviour Flowchart
In 2022 we made changes to the PBIS Behaviour Flowchart. Changes included:
- a clearer flowchart to support staff to manage minor behaviours within their class and team
- a simplification of major and minor behaviours aligned to current DET policy
- a revised flowchart for leadership-managed major behaviours
- addition of de-escalation cycle (aligned to revised Behaviour Support Plans)
- a revision of the consequences toolkit aligned to DET suspension guidelines for vulnerable students (disability, OOHC, ATSI)
Could all staff please download the revised PBIS Behaviour Flowchart by clicking the pdf link below and have it readily accessible to refer to in your class:
Xuno Office Referral Forms
To ensure that the Behaviour Flowchart is easier to follow and that our behaviour data was cleaner in 2022, we revised the office referral forms in Xuno to match the minor and major behaviours on the flowchart.
We would you to continue to only select ONE option from each list - this is very important. Please see a guide to assist you:
Incident time - Please only select the time the incident started or if you don't know that, when you first saw it. If this behaviour spans over a number of time frames then include this in the description of the incident report. If they repeat this behaviour again on the same day at a later time, then write this up as a separate incident.
Location - Please only select the location where the incident started or if you don't know that, where you first saw it.
Behaviour - Please only select the main and or worst behaviour you are writing the incident for. If you need to complete more than one office referral form for multiple behaviours please do so.
Perceived motivation - Please only select the main motivator you think it is. Generally these fit into two broad categories: task avoidance or connection seeking (adults or peers).
Action taken - Please only select the most important action taken.
All extra details can be included in your description of the incident within that text box.