Principal Report

It has been such a wonderfully smooth start to the 2023 school year and I would like to start by thanking everyone who has helped make this year already so positive. Our objective this year is to go from strength to strength, working towards everybody having a great day, everyday at Aberfeldie.
A huge welcome to the many new families that joined the Aberfeldie Primary School community last week. Alongside our new Foundation students, we have many new students who have started with us across from Year One through to Year Six. We trust that your transition to our community has been a smooth one. I would also like to welcome our new staff. They have contributed so much to the smooth and positive start that we have enjoyed this year. Thank you for joining our community and we are looking forward to the year ahead with your support.
Works and Updates over the Break
Check out the photos below of some of the works and improvements that have occurred at Aberfeldie over the break...
Friendship Seat
Following some fundraising events coordinated by our 2022 JSC students last year, students were able to raise money to go towards our new Friendship Seat! This seat was designed by our 2022 JSC Students and is made entirely of recycled soft plastic. Check it out in the gym when you can. We will work out where it will be placed in the school over the coming weeks.
Maintaining the Important
This year, we are dedicated to ensuring the essence and purpose of all school events are maintained in 2023 and beyond. Some of you may have noticed, in the news, that schools have had to make some difficult decisions around the provision of camps and other extra-curricula programs, or events. Following significant updates to the conditions for teachers in schools, the cost for operating things such as camps and outside hours events has increased significantly. Unfortunately, without additional funds invested into a school's budget. That being said, we want to assure parents that we will be working to ensure that the purpose and essence of all programs are not compromised and costs are managed/absorbed where necessary. This means that, whilst there may be some modifications made to some events, our camps (for example) will not be changing in 2023! The 5/6's will be off to Kangaroobie and 3/4's off to Phillip Island for their 2 night, 3 day camp later in the year.
Parent Curriculum Contributions
The financial contributions from families enable us to provide greater depth and quality to the high standards of instruction being delivered across all classes. In recent years these funds have contributed to resources such as high-quality rich literature texts to support literacy and inquiry learning, resources for the specialist programs and Food Garden program, as well as digital technologies like Math Pathways and robots in our STEM space. We requested a minimum contribution of $195 in the category of ‘Curriculum Contributions’ to support our ongoing quest to provide the highest standard of learning opportunities for our students. That is less than $5 per week for the school year! Families yet to make a financial contribution can still do so through Compass, or by contacting the office to arrange a method of payment that suits you.
Please continue to stay connected and reach out if needed.
Make sure you check our website to see a number of updates to the information contained in there. This includes our annual Privacy Collection Notice whcih can be direclty found HERE.
Thank you for helping us start the 2023 school year so well.