From the Principal

Presentation Night celebrations

Congratulations to all students and staff involved in this week’s very successful Presentation Night. The annual celebration of our students’ achievements is always a magnificent event.


During the evening, I briefly presented three significant strategic initiatives for consideration in the coming years.

  1. What does it mean to be a Catholic school in the 2020s?
  2. How do we refine and enhance the relationship between the College, Jesuit Education Australia, Loreto Ministries and Catholic Education Western Australia?
  3. Given the extensive demand for enrolment, what is the ultimate size of our student cohort?

I also addressed the progress of our Building Program. Like the rest of the world, the College has faced significant delays due to COVID-19 related supply and labour concerns. We have been happy with the quality of the work completed by our builder and our architects have liaised closely with our College Leadership Team and College Council to ensure that we are continually updated on estimated completion times. The reality is that our building works will continue into 2023.


Earlier this week, I also had the pleasure of spending time with our new Principal, Mr Daniel Mahon. We were joined by our Council Chair, Dr Courtenay Harris, on the interview panel for a new Vice Principal. We attracted a strong pool of candidates, and we look forward to making an announcement of the appointment. Mr Mahon was very impressive in the process and the College will be very capably led in the years to come.


Congratulations to all the students recognised during the week. The Jesuit 4Cs of competence, conscience, compassion, commitment to God and the service of others were all very evident.


Robert Henderson
