From our Principal 

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

I take this opportunity to wish all a peace-filled Christmas and a prosperous 2023.  These past few weeks, where we have welcomed in the season of Advent, we have focussed on the Advent wreath.

Each of the four weeks of Advent is celebrated by the lighting of one of the four candles present on the wreath. The four candles represent four key themes: Hope (week one), Peace (week two), Joy (week three) and Love (week four). In the busyness of our lives, Christmas and the Advent season is a reminder that part of our mission in building the kingdom of God is in honouring these four pillars in our interactions with each other. May the centrality of Joy, Peace, Hope and Love be present with you all this Christmas season and carry you through to the beginning of a new year, a time where we often reflect on new year resolutions.

2022 Reflections

As the end of the academic year draws to a close it is an opportune time to reflect on the achievements of this year. As I began this process myself I wondered how I could place it all down in writing, so I have compiled my “Top 10”, starting with number 10:

10.The Administration Centre (CRA campus) was opened for business.

Bishop Greg visited the College on several occasions ensuring our community became more closely connected to the most senior Catholic leader in the Diocese.


Our ROCKS became embedded with each student able to identify with our school-wide expectations regarding acceptable standards of behaviour.


Camps were back. Unfortunately, our Year 7s and 12s missed out but for Year 11s and Year 9s they were back.

6.St. Peter’s Day returned and a great day was had by all.

Student success was witnessed. Here are just a few: SIS sporting success, Maths and Languages high achievers discovered through competitions, debating competition winners, Art prize winners at Top Arts, Book in a day runners-up, Kwong Lee Dow and Monash Scholars program scholarships………..

4.The 2019-2022 School Improvement Plan concluded with much progress achieved.

Improvement in NAPLAN outcomes. Comparisons and 5-year growth trend data is suggestive that we are making steady progress and, in some measures, now trending   above state averages. 


Opening of the Geode Centre (Performing Arts). Servicing the needs of both the Cranbourne and Clyde North campuses, this state of the art facility will ensure the highest quality performances will be entertained within this beautifully appointed complex.


Students are back. A full year and a full complement of learning and co-curricular activities was offered. The hangover of lockdowns still lingers, and this only serves to highlight more how wonderful it was to have learning happening both within the classroom and beyond the four walls.

Presentation Ceremonies

These took place as daytime events and for the first time held in the Geode Centre. It was a time to reflect on and celebrate the achievements of 2022. It is an event to celebrate excellence, excellence in academic achievement, excellence in student’s contribution to their House or excellence in a student’s contribution to the St Peter’s College community. I’d like to acknowledge the recipients of awards presented last week. These students have displayed the traits of success: commitment, dedication, endeavour, a strong work ethic and a sense of pride in striving for and achieving outstanding results. These students are exemplars who have grasped on to the opportunities presented to them to achieve maximum gains for themselves.

Congratulations to all award recipients. Click here for a complete list of award recipients.


At the end of each year, we have the opportunity to farewell a number of staff who are moving on from St Peter’s College. I take this opportunity to publicly thank the following staff for their service to our community: Debra McKenzie, Frank Carter, Tom Myers, Michele McArdle, Andrew Sambell, Carol Whimpey, Anju Selex, Angela Gargano, Rose Kerr, Glenn Collings, Lindsey Cordery (LSO), Mercy Xavier, Sueleen Snelling, Sudhara Karunathilake, Tracey Ker, Puja Suneja, Meaghan Winter, Alex Wall (LSO), Shaunna Billson (LSO) and Sherry Xu.

Important Dates

The following are a list of important dates to consider:

  • December 13th - Teaching staff finish
  • December 20th – Office closes (12.15pm)
  • January 9th - Office re-opens (CLYDE NORTH Campus Only - 9.00am - 4.00pm)               -  All telephone enquiries for either Campus can be made.
  • January 16th – Office re-opens (CRANBOURNE Campus - 9.00am – 4.00pm)
  • January 27th – Teaching Staff return
  • January 31st – First day for students (Full school uniform including Blazer as School Photos are conducted)

Wishing you all the blessings of the Christmas Season.







Mr Chris Black
