Level 2

Level 2 News

Level 2 has hit the ground running in term 4 as teachers and students were reunited over Seesaw and WebEx. All students have come back to school with a fantastic attitude and are already doing some great work. 

This week in Level 2 we have been getting back into the swing of planning out our writing pieces. Students have been thinking and planning out recounts and persuasive pieces. When we think ahead and revise our ideas each step of the way we can get some amazing writing results. Well done team!

This week our students challenged themselves in spelling by practicing their words using sign language. Most students in level 2 have a go at signing the national anthem at assembly so some students had to help the teachers with spelling in sign language.

The level 2 teachers have been very proud of how supportive of each other our students are. The moral and effort amongst all classes have been amazing. 

In addition we are proud of all of the students creative projects in their spare time at home. We cannot wait to see you all back in the classroom very soon. 

Level 2 Teachers