Middle Years 

Resuming school


Year 7 students have settled in easily this week, and it was wonderful having the Year 8 & 9 students here on Tuesday and Wednesday. I would like to congratulate students on their calm and settled approach in MyPEC this week. It is essential that we have a smooth start to Term Four, as we are in an important ‘academic reset’ phase after weeks of remote learning. Students need to touch bases with their teachers, particularly if there are any subject areas that they are concerned about. Being proactive with your learning is essential, and remember Mentors are here to help.


Thank you to parents who joined the Zoom last week, we will hold another Zoom on Thursday 21 October at 9am. We reinforced the need to remain optimistic this term. Kate Couchman said there will be some nervousness and anxiety in returning to face-to-face schooling, expect students to be fatigued, and overwhelmed at times as they transition back. Some issues we are expecting is lower focus and concentration issues. We have dual socialisation and academic challenges. 


While on the Zoom, I spoke about Tal Ben Shahar’s Advice on dealing with stress. He said for micro-level recovery we need to take time out in short stints; for example it could be 15-minute breaks every two hours or it could be a block of exercise or listen to some music. This allows recovery time and your body to let go of stress. He said stress is not the problem, the problem is lack of recovery. Mid-level recovery - this could be taking a day off from work or getting a good night's sleep. One of the important things in coming weeks is for students to develop good sleep habits and readjust their body clocks to normal school routines. Macro-level recovery is when you take a longer period of time to fully recovery, such as school holidays. Tal Ben Shahar says we all need break, to help us recover to become stronger, and more resilient. He argues that recovery activates our antifragile system and helps us become better, healthier and happier.’


myPEC Focus for Term Four:

  • Re-engage with face-to-face learning, and foster a positive attitude to learning.
  • Get organised, sort out your folders and use your Record Book properly.
  • Focus on connections with peers and supporting each other.
  • Build on your strengths. Be gentle on yourself.
  • In our Year level meetings this week, we set a high bar

High standard of behaviour.

High standards for uniform.

Work hard and commit to your learning.

Be organised and be an active learner.

Wear your uniform with pride:

I need to stress the importance of wearing uniform with pride and the importance of students being well presented at all times. Students are accountable and responsible for their uniform, and I encourage parents to reinforce our high uniform expectations. 

Long hair needs to be tied back.

Single stud or sleeper earrings are only permitted

No makeup rule applies. No jewellery.

No chewing gum is allowed at school. 

Ribbons are to be in the College colours (blue, yellow, maroon or white).

Dress length needs to be on the knee, not above the knee.

Shoes need to be polished and in good order. 

Some students need haircuts, particularly some of the Year 8 and Year 9 boys.


myPEC Covid-safe reminders:

If you are unwell or have any Covid symptoms you must stay home.

Social distancing and hygiene protocols must be adhered to. 

Face masks must be worn properly all the time; on buses, in class and outside.

Please pack an extra face mask in your school bag, as the disposable masks easily break. 


Mrs Julia Winter Cooke

Head of Middle Years