Classroom Reports

Foundation & 1

Welcome back to Term 4. We also welcome Ros and Adele who are supporting us whilst Annette is on long-service leave. 

We have begun a new Inquiry unit about places, their features and what makes them special. We were very fascinated to use Google Maps to locate the school and see some of the special features. It certainly looks different from space!

Our sentence writing is showing growth: we are learning to use a capital letter at the start of a sentence, a full stop at the end of our finished thought, have spaces between words and write only the sounds we can hear. 


Mrs Tanya Chalmers, Teacher

Year 1 & 2

How wonderful to see our classroom once again full of smiling faces! We have jumped straight back into important learning and all students have adjusted extremely well. Great resilience! 

This term in Inquiry we are learning about “People and Places” and what makes people live and go to the places that they do.

In Maths we are looking at fractions such as halves and quarters. We can recognise, write and make them. We know that fractions must be equal parts especially when you are sharing a cake or pizza- so it should be fair!

Don’t forget it is 4th Term which is ‘No hat no play’. Also check your hats are named.

Have a great week everyone J


Mrs Deidre McKenzie, Teacher

Year 3 & 4

It has been a quiet start to Term 4 as many of our students have still been Remote Learning. 

We have enjoyed writing about our holiday experiences and learning how to extend on our writing. During reading, we have enjoyed a relax by reading outside in the warmer weather. The ‘What’s Buzzing’ Magazines along with the ‘Epic!’ Reading App have been exciting additions to our reading program. The students have liked working with partners and in small groups.

The Maths topic of ‘Estimating and Rounding’ has been a tricky idea to get our head around. We normally take care to find the exact answer so why do we suddenly want to know an approximate? Remember to link this in with everyday life where we do not always need to know the exact answer to everything, every time. 

Our class has enjoyed taking on the responsibility of checking the chooks and ensuring their needs are catered for. Each afternoon we have spent time up on the back oval and in the garden to soak up the warmth of the sun. We look forward to making this a regular activity. Look out for your child to take home some delicious eggs!

Best wishes to all those learning at home! We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s then every day from Week 4.


Ms Jessica Higgins, Teacher 

Year 5 & 6 

Term 4 of 2021! Congratulations on making it this far! 


In the classroom we have had a steady trickle of students returning to onsite learning. Looking forward to seeing everyone back in the classroom in the coming weeks.


Currently we are working on Chance and Data in Math (What are the Chances of that!), this will have a strong link with fractions and decimals that we covered last term. 


In English, we will all be practicing our most eloquent language when we look at poetry and play scripts. We will look at the history of words, how they have changed over time and how a sentence can be manipulated, its meaning changed completely with a particular cadence or emphasis placement. 


This week we will launch into the creation of our grades school magazine page, if you have any ideas, dress ups or props to lend we would appreciate that very much. 


Despite the weather, it is Term 4. This means school hats are required in the yard. When the weather does warm up, please remember water bottles for the classroom. 


Mrs Annita Steel and Miss Amy Purkiss, Classroom Teachers.Art 

Year 7 Humanities

Here come the Mummies!

Year 7 have been learning about the history of Ancient Egypt. Having studied the lives of people at all levels of Ancient Egyptian culture we moved to the religious beliefs and customs surrounding death this week. It was a great opportunity to discuss such a complex subject when everyone was back together in the classroom. As part of this study we have followed the rituals of mummification, preservation of a subject for the journey and testing adventure towards the Afterlife.

We peeled, cored and carved face in apples. Using salt and bicarbonate of soda, we have buried the apples in containers where they will stay for a couple of weeks. The apples should dehydrate, in imitation of the Natron salts or hot dry Egyptian sands.

We enjoyed the class in the warm open air, not quite the usual conditions of the Valley of the Kings, but enjoyable nonetheless.



Miss MacKay

Humanities Teacher

Year 8 Art 

Did you guess who the staff portraits were in our last issue?

Mr Church
Mr Forrest
Mr Merritt
Mrs Turnbull
Mrs McKenzie
Mr Gretgrix
Miss Milne
Mrs Booth
Miss Graham
Ms Herrington
Mr Petiffer
Mrs Steel
Ms Steptoe
Mr Lockhart
Mr Church
Mr Forrest
Mr Merritt
Mrs Turnbull
Mrs McKenzie
Mr Gretgrix
Miss Milne
Mrs Booth
Miss Graham
Ms Herrington
Mr Petiffer
Mrs Steel
Ms Steptoe
Mr Lockhart


Ms Sophia Herrington (Piccoli)

Art Teacher 

Maths Pathways

Welcome back to yet another term with remote learning. Big thank you to those students who have been keeping up to date with their learning. Your enthusiasm and drive to improve and learn is fabulous.

Congratulations to this fortnights Maths Pathway champions. 



Year 5b

Ben with 500% (Cycle 12)

Year 6

Aihen with 400% (Cycle 12)

Year 7

Noah with 233% (Cycle 12)

Year 8

Charlotte with 200% (Cycle 13)

Year 9

Chelsea and Junior with 133% (Cycle 12)

Year 10

Pippi, Leah & Anna with 133% (Cycle 12)

Just a reminder that students achieving 100% growth rate each cycle is equivalent to one year’s growth achieved in the Mathematics curriculum. 

Upcoming Maths Pathway Tests

Year 5b - Wednesday the 20th of October

Year 6 – Wednesday the 20th of October

Year 7 – Tuesday the 12th of October

Year 8 – Wednesday the 13th of October

Year 9 – Tuesday the 19th of October

Year 10 – Friday the 15th of October

Please make sure you stay up to date with your work.


Miss Emma Milne 

Maths Teacher


The end is here!  Farewell Year 12.

Absent - Emily Glenister
Absent - Emily Glenister


Casting our minds back to January 2007, who would even imagine what your last week of school would look like? You were all fresh preppies and your school life had just begun.  Your mind was full of fun and adventure.  You were making new friends and learning new independence.  Fast forward to 2021 and we have just begun the last week of Year 12. Time has flown and so many fantastic memories have been created.  Your mind is now full of exam preparation and making plans for your future.


The time is tinged with sadness as you leave behind good friends and great relationships that you have formed with your teachers.  You are leaving what is familiar and stepping into the unknown. The main thing you need to keep in mind is that you are doing your best.  Don’t get to the end of this time and have regrets about what you could have achieved.


Know that as you step off into your future life, you are supported.  You have your network of family and friends and work mates to help you. You also still have us!  We are here if ever you have questions or concerns. We are still here to give guidance for courses, careers and counselling.




Term 4 signifies a return to warmer weather for us all and means that our students are required to wear their broad brimmed hats during recess and lunchtime. 


This term will be a quick one, with our Year 12 students completing their formal classes on Thursday October 14. A morning celebration and lunch will take place for our Year 12s then, with SWOTVAC (Study Without Teaching Vacation) and exam preparation taking place between Monday 18 and Tuesday 26 October. 


Year 11 students will conclude their formal classes on Friday November 12, with their examination period taking place the following week. Step up classes into 2021 will take place between Monday 22 November and Friday 26 November.  Friday 26 November will also be the last day of the school year for our Year 11 students.


Students are reminded to be aware of their own personal hygiene and safety at all times when in public. Masks are required to be worn, social distancing should be adhered to and hand washing/sanitizing should be taking place before school, after each class, at the end of recess and lunch.  


Year 12 end of year VCAA examinations:


All Year 12 examinations will take place between Wednesday October 27 and Wednesday November 17. All examinations will take place at the Wedderburn Trotting Pavilion at Donaldson Park. 


Individual examination timetables have been provided to students. If you would like an additional copy, please speak with Mrs. Barker or Mrs. Woodman. 


ATAR Results:


Individual student ATAR results will be available to students from 7am on Thursday 16 December. Students are required to register through VTAC to receive their results. Please follow the link below to complete the registration process: 


Upcoming key dates:


Thursday October 14                                                    Last day of Unit 4 classes

Friday October 15                                                         Year 12 Morning Celebration, lunch &                                                                                                     departure (last day)

Monday 18 – Monday 26 October:                           Year 12 SWOTVAC

Wednesday October 27:                                              VCAA Examinations begin – English Exam 

Monday 15 – Friday 19 November:                          Year 11 Examination Period 

Friday 19 November:                                                    Year 12 Graduation (format undecided at                                                                                                this stage)

Monday 22 – Friday 26 November:                          2022 Unit 3 /4 Step Up Week 

Thursday 9 December:                                                 Awards Night

Thursday 16 December:                                              Year 12 Study Scores and ATAR results released (support meetings will be pre-arranged for students as requested or required)


REMINDER - Term 4 Career Advisor dates:


Sue Clay, our Career Advisor will be available to meet with students across this term. Dates are being finalised and will be shared with students ASAP. Please email or discuss with Mrs. Barker or Mrs. Woodman if you would like to make an appointment time




Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also received regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.