Message from
Nurse Janice
Message from
Nurse Janice
It is increasingly important with our current circumstances in Victoria that we seek ways to focus on positives and heighten our awareness of the good things that are occurring around us daily. To help us remember to do this, you could print off the attached Optimistic October calendar and challenge yourself/ your family / children to focus on the different “short” activities set out each day and see if you can flip the “doom and gloom” that is often presented in the media, on its head.
I have also attached the flyer ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ and ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing -Support Services for Students’
The second one is great as all you have to do is hold your phone over the QR Code and it will take you to the service.
Dental visit- Unfortunately due to COVID 19 Restrictions the planned Dental Van visit has been rescheduled by Australian Dental Health to October 2022!
I am having discussions with a Bendigo dental provider to see if they could possibly supply a similar service for Wedderburn College this term.
I will keep you up to date on the progress, but new permission forms will have to be completed if this goes ahead.
Glasses for Kids – the screening of students in Year P-3 has been rescheduled to December 1st.
Immunisations – the Year 7 Immunisations have been rescheduled for Thursday 7th December.