Found objects - 

how to be Art Smart!

Featured Photo: Jayden O

Rebecca Rowe

Teacher - Art


During this most recent lockdown, the Year 7 Art teachers considered how they could provide their students the opportunity to to some practical art work, despite the fact that we couldn’t be in the art room together.

After some brainstorming, the Found Object Sculpture Task was born!


Teachers and their students spent several lessons investigating the work of artists, including Andy Goldsworthy and Tom Friedman, who create amazing work out of everyday objects, found objects and natural objects.  These lessons exposed students to a different approach to art - and inspired much conversation and creativity!


Following this exploration in class, students were asked to collect found objects (natural or man-made) from thier home and local environment.  Their task was to consider, explore and execute ways in which they could create a sculpture that demonstrated one or all of the three art principles: balance, repetition and contrast.   Students then photographed their artworks at home and submitted their photographs with a brief written explanation of their work. 


The resulting sculptures were spectacular and even better than the teachers had hoped for! Our students were creative, clever and very resourceful, having discovered amazing ways to create something beautiful out of simple, everyday objects. 


Well done Year 7! 

We are impressed!

Max O
Max O


Peggy Ford
Peggy Ford

And here are more amazing sculptures .

Click to enlarge.

Oscar H
Neko S
Milena M
Matthew T
Georgia H
Isla M
Lamu T
Chloe A
Oscar H
Neko S
Milena M
Matthew T
Georgia H
Isla M
Lamu T
Chloe A