Principal's Report
Term 4 has started with a great feeling around the school.
The students have all returned from the holidays refreshed and eager to both see friends again as well as to get stuck into their learning.
Sports Day
Sports Day was a wonderful way to begin our final term for 2021.
Staff and students all had a wonderful time and the weather was perfect!
Congratulations to Tarnda (red team) on winning the shield.
Big thank you to Jude Dunn and room 5 students who worked on the planning and organization for several weeks in the lead up.
This was part of their maths learning – students needed to:
- Conduct a survey of students to ascertain which events were most popular
- Draw up a map of where these events would be on the oval
- Measure up each area to ensure everything would fit as well as allowing space for classes to move around freely
- Present their proposal to their class
What a wonderful opportunity for some deep learning!
Year 6/7 Graduation
This term will see our Year 6 and 7 students graduate and move off to high school.
The transition visits to high schools will happen on Dec 2nd and 3rd. More information will be sent to families a bit closer to the date.
Graduation details are being finalized in consultation with the students – more details soon.
2022 Receptions
Transition visits for those students beginning in Reception next year will begin next Wednesday. Letters have been sent to families who have confirmed their enrolment.
We still have some places available – if you know of anyone who is thinking of enrolling for 2022 please let them know to confirm their enrolment ASAP to secure a place.
2022 Classes
We are in the process of organizing classes for 2022.
Please return your tear off slip re whether your child/ren will be returning in 2022 ASAP.
End Of Year Event
Our student “Whole School Events” team are planning something that involves the whole school to celebrate the end of the year.
More information will be sent to families via Seesaw.
Pool Day
Big THANK YOU to Mr M for organizing a POOL DAY for all students on the last day of term.
Permission slips and payment information will be sent home soon.
Intensive English Language Program
This program has been severely impacted by the border restrictions due to COVID. As a result numbers of students has reduced considerably across the state.
The decision has been made by the Department for Education to pause some of the centres until numbers begin to increase.
The Hampstead IELC is one of the centres to be paused.
This means that all students who would normally be continuing in the program will be transitioning to other centres nearby.
All families involved will be contacted and supported with this and provided with relevant information to ensure their transition to their new centre is a successful experience.
This has been a huge success! It is great to have an opportunity to have casual conversations with students and see them enjoy a healthy breakfast to begin their day.
Students attending breakfast club need to have signed parental permission.
Please contact the school or your child’s teacher if you are interested.
So many things will be happening this term! It will definitely whizz by!
I am really looking forward to a wonderful term.