School News 

Year 12 Business Management

On Friday the 27th May the year 12 Business Management class attended an excursion to the Yakult factory in Dandenong. The students were able to see first-hand how sustainable business models are applied in practice throughout the tour. 

The students were able to learn about quality control and the sterilisation process as well as how Yakult is produced, including the company's principles regarding not releasing anything harmful into the environment, their mission to reduce the use of plastics, and being as energy efficient as possible. 

The students were also able to try a bottle of Yakult themselves before the end of the tour.

Nia Whitney, Student Teacher (University of Tasmania)

Wellington District Interschool Sports


Year 11/12 students from the University Campus represented Kurnai College at the Wellington School soccer in Sale. Both teams played in a series of 40-minute round robin games with a chance to progress to Gippsland Finals that will be held in July next term.


Senior Boys Team

The boys team comfortably won their first game to Sale Catholic College defeating them 11-0.

Despite their best efforts they lost their second game against Lavalla Catholic College   3-0. Although they did not come away with the win, the results exhibit the incredible effort the boys put in.

A huge thank you to Alan Roberts for coaching.


Senior Girls Team

The girl’s team also comfortably won their first game to Sale Catholic College defeating them 11-1.

Their second game against Lavalla Catholic College saw both teams contending fiercely very early on to get on the score sheet first. After a ball deflected off Lavalla’s keeper back to our player late in the first half Kurnai College had the opportunity to put away the first goal. Minutes later a one-on-on with the keeper allowed the girls team to enter half time with a 2-0 lead. The second half remained scoreless for Kurnai College to walk away with a 2-0 win. Overall, the girl’s remarkable effort sees them progress through to the Gippsland Finals.

Well done to all students that participated and the fabulous display of sportsmanship both on and off the pitch!



Intermediate Girls Team

On Wednesday Year 9/10 girls from Morwell Campus competed in the Wellington Shire Inter School Sports in Sale with five, 16-minute, games to be played. The girls were excited to discover the games were to be played indoors.

The first game against Sale College (1) resulted in a defeat, 12 to 6, but the highlights of the game was the effort of the defenders who ensured every contested ball was Kurnai’s. Amelia at GA scored the first goal of the game and went on to score three of the six, with Ayla scoring from way out to score the other three goals of the game.

Maffra Secondary College (1) was Kurnai College's next challenge, and sadly it resulted in a defeat, 11 to 5. The teamwork was improving, with fabulous defence by Lizzy and Bridget in GK and GD. Sarah’s midcourt work was beautiful. Bridget began to experience what it meant to be a goalkeeper and was called contact and obstruction anytime she went near the shooters but showed great perseverance all day long in this position.


Game three was against Maffra Secondary College (2) and a close game of 7 to 6 with Maffra taking the win. Communication was the highlight of the game. Milla and Amelia took charge and directed play beautifully. Sadly, we lost Isabella in this game to an ankle injury, and she was unable to return for the day. Keely shone in WD and the move of Milla to centre proved invaluable.


The next game was up against Sale College (2) and Kurnai College's first win, 8 to 1. Lizzie picked off every loose ball and was quick to move the ball back up the court. The attacking team improved out of sight and worked the ball into the ring with Ayla and Amelia put shots up with great confidence. Bridget and Keely gave no space to their players and made sure they always knew where their players were.


Game five (our last game) and what a thriller it was. Traralgon College – who had gone undefeated all day – saw us tie at 14 all. Teamwork was amazing, with the defenders scrapping for every ball and our midcourt working to feed the ball to our attackers. Sarah and Milla worked the goal ring like professionals, giving each other space while waiting patiently for our shooters to position themselves within striking distance of the goal ring.




Senior Mixed Team

On Wednesday Year 11/12  students from the University Campus represented Kurnai College at the Wellington School Badminton in Yarram.


The fixture only consisted of playing one game, comprising of 6 sets, two double sets and four single sets against Yarram Secondary College.


Yarram Secondary College prevailed on the day winning, 5 sets to 1. However, the attitude and sportsmanship of the Kurnai College's students should be highly commended. 


Cosi Performance

Kurnai College’s Year 11/12 Theatre Studies class took to the stage for their performance of Cosi earlier in Term 2.


Principal Mr Geoff Block attended the performance on the first evening, stating, “I was really impressed with the quality of the performance. The forgotten lines seemed just part of the story and the power outage was just the sort of stuff-up you’d expect in a mental institution’s play rehearsal.

Theatre productions always show students in a very different light to what I usually see. This was no exception. Paris and her cast and crew should be proud of what they achieved.”

Student Absences

If you know your student is going to be away from school, please call the absent line on 5132 3711 as soon as you can and leave a detailed message. This will ensure that their attendance is not poorly reflected. It's not ok to be away, but we understand that sometimes it is unavoidable. If you wish to discuss absences in further details please call the campus office on 5132 3800.


Tutor Learning Initiative 

Tutor Learning Initiative to continue at Kurnai College in 2022

Kurnai College is delighted to share the news that the Victorian Government is continuing the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) in 2022. This initiative is designed to address the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and engagement in Victoria.

The extension of the initiative will allow Kurnai College to continue to provide our students who need it most with targeted TLI learning support in the 2022 school year.

Despite the continued challenges Kurnai College and schools across Victoria have faced this year, the TLI has ensured that students, who may have fallen behind or become disengaged, receive the help they need. In 2021, the TLI has enabled Victorian government schools, and qualifying non-government schools, to engage over 6,400 teachers as tutors.

Kurnai College would like to thank all the tutors, teachers and families who were involved in supporting Kurnai College’s TLI program in 2021. We look forward to continuing Kurnai College’s TLI program in 2022 to provide learning support that will enable our students to flourish now and in the future.

Annual privacy reminder for 2022

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website Kurnai College Privacy Collection Notice.

For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
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