
Key Dates

Term 2 
Fri 24 June                            Term 2 ends - buses start to leave at 1.15pm                        
Term 3 
Mon 11 July                   Term 3 commences        
Wed 13 to Fri 15 JulyInspiring Careers in Health Experience excursion
Tue 19 JulyNAIDOC Celebrations
Thu 28 JulyLooking for Alibrandi Performance excursion
Fri 29 JulyYear 12 Prom
Mon 1 AugYear 12s VTAC Information/TAFE Session
Wed 3 AugUni Campus 2023 Parent Information Night
Mon 8 AugYear 12s VTAC Briefing Week
Thur 11 AugYear 12 Parent Teacher Conversations
Fri 16 SeptTerm 3 ends
  Term 4                              
Mon 3 OctTerm 4 commences        
Wed 16 Nov2022 Graduation                      

College Key Contacts

For a full list of College wide key contacts please go to: