3/4 B

Welcome to the 2022 SFX School Year!

First of all I'd like to welcome all students and families to the 2022 school year! It promises to be an exciting year of great learning with plenty of laughter thrown in too!


It's so wonderful to be back within the classroom and get the year up and running. I look forward to catching up with and meeting as many parents at the gate in the coming days and weeks. Please feel free to contact the office or leave a message on Seesaw if you wish to contact me with any questions you may have.  In a few weeks we will hold our Meet and Greet interviews online, so please check the weekly newsletter and skoolbag notifications for dates and times. I'd love to see all parents jump online for a chat. 


Thank you to all of you who have already sent along the yearly class requirements. If you haven't done so please do so asap, as the children will require items such as headphones, and art smock next week.


There is plenty of exciting events taking place in 3/4 this year including our School Camp to Camp Manyung and the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist. More information about these will be forwarded in good time. I can tell you that the date for our camp is Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th March.

Specialist Days

Performing Arts and Italian - Monday

Physical Education - Wednesday

Kinnect to Dance - Thursday (Term 1 program only)

Visual Arts - Friday

What about our first week of 2022?

It's been an awesome first week and we have spent a majority of our time getting to know one another. We have enjoyed connecting to one another and developing our relationships. We begun our Inquiry unit called 'Innovation'. Some photos came home on Seesaw this week showing how the children needed to work in groups to complete a STEM (Science Technology Engineering Maths) challenge. 

In Mathematics we are currently in the middle of a Maths Investigation about paper aeroplanes and using measurement to record their flight distances. 

 Tomorrow in writing we will complete a Quick Write to gauge where the children are at with their writing. We have also learnt about and placed a focus on the Learning Pit, our new school wide Hero Awards, and Respectful Relationships.



Take care, 

Mr Brendan