1/2 T

Welcome back! 

What a wonderful start to the year we have had in 12T.  

So many smiling faces and so much enthusiasm.

We have been sharing lots about ourselves and 

working on getting to know all our new (and old) classmates. 


We are really looking forward to working together as the 2022 12T Team!


During Literacy, we have been reading and listening to lots of books. 

One of them was Feathers for Phoebe, by Rod Clement

We used this book as our inspiration to design our very own 'Phoebe' birds. 

We drew a crest, a head, a body and a tail. These will  form a very special 'flip' book - where we can see our birds the way we designed them, but we can also mix and match each of the parts with other students' designs.


During Maths we had a problem to solve. 

Grandma's soup recipe required 'a handful' of macaroni. 

But how do we know how much that is?


Everyone took a handful of macaroni to count it. Everyone had a different amount in their handful and lots of students had different ways to count their handful. We talked lots about how to make it easier to count so many pieces of macaroni. Next we found out Grandma's handful was actually 100 pieces. So then we tried to get as close to 100 pieces as we could, practising and refining our counting strategies along the way. 


As well as our counting, we have also been practising the days of the week and months of the year - all things that would be terrific to keep practising at home too. 

We placed the items into groups of tens then we counted to check how many we had. 

If you would like to practise counting at home here are some great videos, 

or get out the pasta and ask them to count by ones, twos and tens.

Counting by twos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvTcpfSnOMQ

Counting by tens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0ZEaGsM5CE 



Specialist lessons start next week.......

Monday - Italian & Performing Arts

Wednesday - PE (Sports uniform)

Thursday - Dance (runners)

Friday - Art & Library



A big thanks to all who have brought in their classroom items already. 

If you haven't yet, please make sure your bring in the following as soon as possible:

- headphones

- art smock

- library bag

- blue take home folder