Faith and Mission 

John Rhynehart- Director of Faith and Mission

The College Community was able to gather for the Celebration of the Eucharist to honour our Patron:  St. John the Evangelist and our Founders:  Ven. Nano Nagle (foundress of the Presentation Sisters) and St. John Baptist de La Salle (founder of the De La Salle Brothers).


Towards the end of our celebration, we pledged again, our dedication to live lives of taking the Way of the Gospel (our 2022 College Theme) in the footsteps of Jesus through the example of our Founders.  The following Commitment Ritual was celebrated and I offer it here for you, now, so that you might like to similarly take a pledge of continuing to be Gospel-centred people.


Nano took her Lantern out into the dark streets of the city.  She lit her path illuminating, as she did, the Light of Christ into the darkness of poverty and despair.


Are you all willing to take the Way of the Gospel and shine the goodness within you into the darkness of today’s world so that ALL people will know the COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS and JOY of Christ our Saviour?  I AM!


We will take the way of the Gospel: AND BE COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING AND JOYFUL.


John Baptist de La Salle preached the Gospel in his life devoted to the LEAST, the LAST and the LOST. 


Is it your intention and commitment to follow his example of helping ALL people with COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS and JOYFULNESS just as de La Salle Christ’s example?  IT IS!


Let us take the way of the Gospel: All:        AND BE COMPASSIONATE, FORGIVING AND JOYFUL.


May our God of Mercy bless you and sustain you in these promises today and always.

May St. John the Evangelist, who reveals to us the Gospel of Jesus, be your constant guide.

May God who has begun this good work in you, bring it fulfilment.  Amen.