Principal's Report


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) involves students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 from all states and territories in Australia.  Over the past week our Years 3 and 5 students have sat NAPLAN testing, with Year 5 students completing their final assessment next Tuesday. Students’ skills in reading, writing, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy will be assessed. These national test results provide information on how your child is progressing and performing in the key areas of literacy and numeracy and provides information for students, parents/carers, teachers and principals which can be used to improve student achievement. Student’s personal NAPLAN reports will be sent home to parents/carers later this term. 


Each year it is of concern for teachers as we notice that some children become highly anxious about these tests. We work hard to ensure that children are well prepared for these tests and that every child does their best, however we know that the results of this test do not define them as a learner and certainly don’t define them as worthwhile individuals. The NAPLAN test is just a snapshot of their learning. We certainly do not over-emphasise the importance of these tests and we certainly don’t believe that NAPLAN results are the most important measure of the success of our school.


Parking across Driveways

Please can I appeal to all our community to not park their cars in neighbour’s driveways?  It is not fair that neighbours are unable to enter or exit their own driveways when they are blocked and there isn’t anyone in the car to move it. I understand that school pick up and drop off can be frustrating, however if everyone does the right thing and keeps calm we can get through even this…. I appreciate everyone doing the right thing during these busy times of the day.


Year 6 Camp

Our Year 6 students and staff attended Campaspe Downs for a four-day outdoor challenge camp.  The camp incorporates all aspects of an outdoor adventure camp that supports students to have the confidence to challenge themselves and try things that are new.  Well done to all students, I was incredibly proud of each and every one of you.  A massive thank you to, Rebecca Koole, Elly Turcinovic, Georgia Albertella, Taylah Russell, Leanne Bentley, Cash Royall and Julie Van Netten. Thank you, also, to our wonderful parent Ben Carter who supported staff and students on the camp. 


Prep Enrolments for 2023

If you have a child that will be attending Boronia Heights PS in 2023, we are taking enrolments NOW.  The Education Department are requesting that all Prep enrolments are completed by August 12th.  If you know anyone who would like to have further information about our school or enrol their child, please ask them to phone the school so we can talk them through the process or book a tour on our website.


Pupil Free Day- Tuesday 14th June

For Term 2, 2022, the Department of Education and Training has provided schools with the option to hold each teacher’s allocated professional practice day on the same day for all staff. This is to enable the most effective and efficient use of this day.


As a result, we have scheduled our professional practice day for Tuesday 14th June. Students will therefore not be required to attend school on this day.


OSHClub will be open if you need child minding facility, please contact them as soon as possible if you require support on the day.


Education week 2022: Celebrating 150 years of public education.

Education Week (Tuesday the 24th of May)

This year the theme for Education Week is “The Evolution of Education””. Education week 2022: celebrating 150 years of public education. Boronia Heights warmly welcomes our school community to attend a fabulous morning and evening with your children.  You will receive a personal invitation from your child to have a special morning tea with them after the morning activities. This morning tea will take place at around 10:30am.  We understand that many parents work so the invitation extends to other family members or someone special in their life. We ask that parents or special guests bring along something small to share with their child for morning tea. The morning session will end at 11am. Our students will then be involved in a multi-age activity developing a joint art piece that will be displayed on the night.


Our school will then re-open at 5pm for a Special Prep Expo for prospective families and then the whole school will open at 6pm with buskers around the school showcasing their wonderful musical talents, classrooms will also be open from 6pm. Our Open Night concert will commence at 7pm in the gym where we will be presenting our school band, senior choir, some Year 6 instrumental soloists, and junior school choir. 


Come and enjoy a school-wide Art Show featuring creations from every child in the school as displayed in their classrooms and around the corridors of the school. 


Please join us and allow your child to show you their classroom, chat to their teacher/specialist teacher either in the morning or at night and enjoy being back in our wonderful school. We look forward to seeing you there as it is always a delight to see the children engaged in truly wonderful activities.  Please put the date on your calendar. 


2022 Federal Elections

On Saturday the 21st May our school gym will be open as a Polling Booth for you to vote in the upcoming Federal Elections.  All of our gates will be open for the day for easy access to the school. Gates will be open from 8am until 6pm. Our HUBSTERS will be putting on a cake stall to help raise funds for the school and will be selling sausages on the day.  We are asking for volunteers to help with the cooking of sausages and selling of cakes.  If you are able to support on the day for an hour or more, we would greatly appreciate it. 

We are also asking for donations of any cakes, biscuits, jams, chutneys etc to sell on the day.  We are not able to sell cakes with cream in it so please…... NO CREAM…... all cakes/chutneys/baked goods need to have the ingredients listed on a label and put on a paper plate, or into containers etc. Paper plates will be sent home with your child closer to the date. We have sent the plates home today with a note explaining all the details.

Thank you to Dee for offering to be extremely busy over the next week making jams and preserves for our election day. If anyone can support Dee in donating sugar, vinegar or fruit or vegetables all donations will be gratefully accepted.  Please drop those donations at the school office.


If you are able to help on the day, we have a roster organised starting at 7am going through to around 3pm. Click here for the link for the roster for the day. 


We thank you in advance for your support. 


Take care, stay positive and look after yourselves.


Leanne Jennings
