Junior School

The synthetic field has been alive with an added layer of excitement during lunch over the course of the past few weeks as the Junior School Touch Footy Competition has been enthusiastically played out. All students involved have proudly represented their particular house and the games have highlighted a wonderful sense of team spirit, particularly during the ‘finals series.’ However, there can only be one winner in each grade, and I would like to congratulate the Year 5 Rice team and Year 6 Berg team on emerging victorious at the conclusion of the competition! I would also like to thank the Junior School House Leaders for their planning and organisation in managing the teams, as well as the various Year 12 leaders who willingly gave up their lunch breaks to assist in running the games. 


Our next competition will be the House Chess Tournament which will also be run over several weeks during lunch. Any students who are interested in being part of the fun are encouraged to write down their name on the relevant sign-up sheet located on the wall outside my office.


During the Year 6 Pastoral Care Program (PCP) session this week, Brainstorm Productions will be delivering a live theatre performance at the College for students to experience. The session itself will be focused on encouraging resilience, promoting healthy behaviours, and fostering positive social interactions amongst students. There will also be a question-and-answer format at the conclusion of the performance, whilst classroom teachers have been given access to curriculum-aligned resources to further deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of the content being covered. 


The cost of this performance has already been incorporated into your son’s school fees for the term, so there is no need to pay anything extra. I hope the Year 6 students enjoy this unique educational opportunity!


Later this term, our Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Monday 20 June between 2:00 PM – 7:00 PM and on Tuesday 21 June between 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM. Further information regarding the booking process will soon be communicated to parents/carers. Please note that parents/carers of students in 6 Gold and 6 Red will be emailed information separately as these interviews will take place on Friday 17 June in order to account for the absence of Mr Shore and Mr van der Meer in Week 9.


It is important to recognise that all parents/carers must book an interview timeslot themselves as our classroom teachers are unable to allocate interview times on their behalf. Each interview will run for 10 minutes and will be conducted in your son's classroom. All students are required to attend their scheduled interview time with their parents/carers and ensure they wear their full College winter uniform. 


If for some reason the allocated days/times which have been set aside for the interviews to take place are not suitable, parents/carers are asked to please email their son’s classroom teacher to make alternative arrangements that are mutually convenient. Thank you in advance for setting aside time to speak with our staff about your son/s in support of their education.  


As always, if you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.


May God bless you,


Glenn Stephenson

Director of Junior School