Pupil of the week 

We are all-stars, but some shone a little bit brighter this fornight!


Esther- for the great enthusiasm and sense of fun you bring into our FA classroom. Esther, you are a ray of sunshine!

Tommy- for being a terrific listener and sharing your ideas with your classmates and teacher. 


Ashton - for making strong and kind choices in the classroom. 

Liam - for pursuing your personal best in writing. Well done! 


Rachelle S - For transitioning into Australian primary school with pride and confidence. 

Patrick A- For working so hard on your HOT words, keep it up!!


Ryder D - For excellent recount writing - you included the who, what, where, when and why. Well done Ryder!

Dougie O - For excellent recount writing - you included the who, what, where, when and why. Great job Dougie!


Cailin N - for the outstanding work you did on your information report. Well done Cailin!

Zoe W - for the wonderful voice that you use in your writing. Your work is a joy to read.


Jack F - for always encouraging his classmates during our Play is the Way games. 

Max C - for demonstrating his reading strategies during independent reading time. You are making great leaps and bounds Max! 


Reuben M - For working so hard on his Information report on the King Cobra. Your research was very detailed. A great effort Reuben. Keep up the great work!

Nina P - For consistently working so hard throughout the Semester, and for demonstrating resilience when presented with more challenging tasks, particularly during maths sessions. Great work Nina, Keep it up!


Ben.J - for his outstanding effort and stamina while writing a narrative. 

Ashton.H - For his outstanding effort when solving vertical addition problems. 


Jack D - for your beautiful manners, respect and kindness you show to everyone, each and every day.

Archie G - for your very entertaining Narrative about Dino, the toothbrush who becomes a lawyer!


Jacob Y- For being the first in the class to publish his narrative.

Eloise G - For the terrific project you did on the Moon. You worked cooperatively with your partner and produced a wonderful non-fiction book for our collection. 


Scarlett A - for showing excellent initiative in class and always being willing to help others.

Ryan P - for using his thorough research skills when writing an excellent information report on Scooters..


Angelina C - for always persisting with challenging tasks, seeking help when she needs it.

Sierra M - for offering her insightful observations of the author’s purpose to the class discussion of our focus text - “Ziba Came on a Boat”


Amelia P- for her excellent work and attitude in maths. It was so exciting watching you have a lightbulb moment with your timetables.

Chloe M-  for her amazing seasonal poems, you wrote such thoughtful and considered haikus.


Chloe D - for her amazing determination and excellent effort when researching, drafting and publishing her information report. Well done! 

Isabelle C- for creating a fantastic and very detailed information report on your chosen topic of Bikes. Well done! 


Amos B - For your very creative and descriptive ‘Combined Animal’ informative writing piece. Amazing!

Lucy H - For the effort and determination you are showing to build your confidence in maths, great persistence Lucy!


Maddy D - for taking the initiative to raise much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Your bake sale treats at our Kalinda Open Night were delicious!

Samuel H - for taking the initiative to raise much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Your bake sale treats at our Kalinda Open Night were delicious!

Alexander H - for taking the initiative to raise much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Your bake sale treats at our Kalinda Open Night were delicious!

Isla C - for taking the initiative to raise much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Your bake sale treats at our Kalinda Open Night were delicious!

Tahlia M - for taking the initiative to raise much needed funds for the Royal Children’s Hospital. Your bake sale treats at our Kalinda Open Night were delicious!


Michael J - For being an amazing friend and looking out for his classmates

Matisse B - for writing a very creative information report on the ‘Unipandabunaffe’.


Declan C - for being such a good sport and stepping aside from his emergency runner role to allow a school mate to run District Cross Country. 

Emily L - for her admirable effort she has put into her Narrative. Seeking feedback takes courage. Well done.


Ben W- For achieving his writing goal by having a positive attitude and persevering to finish his writing. 

Matt M- for being brave and proactive in his learning to clarify concepts. 


Harley C - For understanding that pursuing your personal best is a choice to make every day. It was lovely to see you applying new skills and knowledge in your writing!

Keira E - For being consistently reliable, hardworking, constantly kind and authentic member of our classroom.


Lily V - For inspiring others with her enthusiasm and leadership, supporting her friends and not being afraid to make mistakes.

Zac M - For consistently and diligently making the most of every opportunity and supporting his friends while inspiring them to do their best.

Performing Arts

Quinn 6CT

For using her knowledge of dance, especially the element of space, to explain concepts to her classmates and make a detailed analysis of different dance genres. 

Edmund 3RL

For making great observations and predictions when experimenting with how size affects pitch, and for enthusiastically participating in our class discussion. 


Sam O-5L- For showing great persistence in jumping a large rope in P.E. lessons.

Aria C-For being a great teammate and passing to others in our Soccer games in P.E. lessons!